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Harry's POV:

I watch Emma as she speaks with Louis, his arm slung lazily over her shoulder. I can't get over how breathtakingly stunning she is. She's in nothing special, just black skinny jean, black heels, and a white shirt, but she makes it look sexy as hell.

It hurts that she thinks I'm such an asshole.

I am an asshole.

She takes a place in the circle, not speaking to me once. Louis sits down next to her, pulling her tiny figure into his body where he begins to tickle her. She screeches and tries to swat at him, but he's a lot stronger than she is. Her drink almost spills everywhere, but Macy catches it before it can cause a mess.

"Louis, stop!" her drunken shrieks fill the room. I can tell she's hammered, the way her eyes are glazed over and her body language. I've been around my share of drunk people, so I know the signs.

Hell, I get drunk all of the time myself.

Something burns inside of me at the sight of Louis and Emma. I can't be jealous. I barely even know this girl. If Louis wants her, he can't have her.

Sorry, he can have her.

Who am I kidding? I want that girl for myself. Not that I'll ever admit it to anyone but myself.

"Harry, come on. Truth or Dare time," Kian singsongs. I look at him and see that he has Macy curled up next to his side and his arm draped protectively around her side.

I wouldn't understand why he's doing that. I've never been in a real relationship. I just sleep with girls and then leave them, no emotions attached.

Sure, it might be wrong, but does it look like I care?

I sit down directly across from Emma, not taking my gaze off of her once. She shifts uncomfortably next to Louis and he pokes her side, causing her to jump.

"Who goes first?" Liam asks.

"I will." We all turn and look at Amanda.

"Alright, have at it Mandy," Liam gestures for her to begin.

Her eyes scan over the group continuously until stopping on Zayn. Her lips turn up into a devilish grin.

"Oh no," Zayn mutters.

"Zaynnnnn," she draws out, tapping her freshly painted fingernails along the side of her cup. "Truth or dare buttercup?"


We all groan.

"Come on, Zayn. Don't be such a pussy," Bo laughs.

"Fine. Fine. Dare."

I can practically see the wheels turning in Amanda's mind. There isn't anyone else in here besides us for her to mess with, so God only knows what she's going to do.

"I dare you to kiss the most attractive girl in this circle," she smiles smugly, crossing her arms.

Zayn shrugs and gets up, walking to Amanda. He bends down, and before any of us can register what's happening, he grabs her face in his hands and kisses her.

Her eyes shoot open and she pushes him off. He stumbles backwards, smirking at her.

"Zayn! I have a boyfriend," she glares, wiping her mouth.

"Yeah, and where is he, Amanda? He's never around and from what you've told me, he's just a douche bag that doesn't deserve you. Do you even know where he is? He's probably shagging some girl while you're sitting her making up excuses for his ass," he glares back at her.

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