Chapter 5. - Powers and a Museum

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You smile, but you wanna cry.
You talk, but you wanna be quiet.
You pretend like you're happy, but you aren't.


THE GIRLS AND I to go to the boys' dorm to think of a plan. Their dorm was way better than ours. They had video games, big beds and the best part: it wasn't pink. When we got there, Carlos was playing some fighting game and Jay was going over all the things he stole. Mal walked towards Jay and Evie wandered around the room. I joined Carlos and he let me play for a second. 

"Jay, what are you doing?" I heard Mal ask Jay behind me.

"Well, Mal, it's called stealing. It's like buying whatever I want, except it's free." Jay answered with a laugh. Mal laughed a little.

"Hm, okay. So, you can do that. Or, you leave all of this here and pick it up when we take over the world." Mal said mockingly. I glanced back at them for a moment.

"You sound just like your mom," Evie said while looking into her mirror.

"Thank you," Mal said with a hand on her heart. I turned my attention back on the game.

"You do it your way, I do it mine," Jay answered. Meanwhile, I was totally beating Carlos' high score in this game.

"Die, suckers! See you in the Underworld!" I yelled at the game, getting slightly carried away. Carlos didn't like me beating his high score, so he took the controllers from me and held them out to Jay.

"Jay, come check this out, man. It's awesome." I rolled my eyes and Jay took my place.

"Guys!" Mal said loudly, getting our attention. "Do I have to remind you what we're all here for?" She asked seriously with an exasperated look. I quickly dropped my smile, but the others clearly hadn't seen Mal's face.

"Fairy Godmother, bla bla bla. Magic wand, bla bla bla." Jay joked, getting a laugh from Evie and Carlos. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing, seeing as Mal looked extremely annoyed.

"This is our one chance, to prove ourselves to our parents." She reminded, making everyone turn serious again. "To proof that we are evil and vicious, and ruthless and cruel." She continued, evaporating the last bit of the light atmosphere there was. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." We all answered.

"Evie, mirror," I ordered, breaking the tense silence. Evie nodded and we gathered around the table. Evie grabbed her mirror.

"Mirror, mirror on the- in my hand." She corrected. "Where is Fairy Godmother's wand...stand?" The magic wand appeared in the mirror, but that was all we could see.

"Zoom out," Carlos said. Evie held the mirror close to her mouth.

"Magic Mirror, not so close." She whispered. This time the mirror showed us a picture of the whole world.

"What a dumb mirror," I muttered annoyed. Jay softly slapped my arm and gave me a look.

"Closer. Closer. Closer." Evie kept saying, but that stupid mirror still didn't show us what we wanted. Carlos asked if he could play his game again because he was on level 3. I mouthed 'level 4' at him and he glared. Just as he was about to play his game again, the mirror finally showed us what we wanted to see. It was a sign that read 'The Museum of Cultural History'.

"Stop!" Jay said.

"It's at a museum. Do we know where that is?" Mal asked and Carlos was already typing on his laptop. I look over his shoulder. He was pulling up a map.

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