15 Trouble

295 13 7

Last Updated: 2016 August 30

"Huh? Rogues? Where?"

Rosekit scrambled out from underneath Stormkit's play-wrestle, and bounded over to Eelpaw. Wind-whistling leaves whirled as they charged forward.

She had never seen so many outsiders at once.

Dumbfounded, the young tortoiseshell gazed at the hunched band of rogues, all looking serious, but wary. They were sheltered underneath a clump of ferns, patiently waiting for the leader it seemed. That's what she got from all the stares she and her Clan was giving them. The uncertain rogues were hemmed with cornering glances and suspicious whispers.

"They look..."

"...easy to fight!" Stormkit concluded.

"That's great?" Eelpaw squeaked from beside Dewfeather, "B-but I'm not sure that..."

Rosekit mentally sighed, "Just look at them! I'm sure they're fine, Nosey. You're just being pawannoyed again. I'm going over to say hi!"

Ignoring their protests, she padded over to the small group and attempted to be a polite adult, "Well, hello there! Welcome to CreekClan! What could you possibly want?"

A cat, large for a tom, padded forward, a bit reluctant, after getting a few nudges from the cats behind him. He was black and white, countless scars stitching the great patches together. He put more weight on his left side and his burly features gave a pathetic air of feigned importance.

"We were wondering if we had the right Clan here," he mewed, rather amused, "and it seems so."

Stormkit stalked forward, "You seem quite suspicious to me."

As he bellowed, a fine clump of fur quivered on his nose. "Sorry if we look suspicious, kit! We just like to make sure we'll all be safe, just like any other cat would."

"Hmmm... I don't like being called 'kit'." Stormkit narrowed his dark blue eyes.

"My bad."

"How come none of the others are speaking?"

"Sharp one? To be honest, we prefer to let one cat speak at a time. Just manners, you know?"

Rosekit interrupted the conflict. "But shouldn't they be adding something to support all of your claims?"

The rogue group flinched like she had asked them an awkward question.

"Shouldn't your leader be asking me this?" the tom countered.

"Touchy!" Stormkit grumbled. He seemed to be losing the upper paw. He probably already had, as he gave Rosekit a nudge, sulking. "You talk to the mouse-brain."

He seems to like talking about cats as a whole, or as a 'we'... I wonder why? Before Rosekit could speak-

"Move away from my kits immediately!" snapped a moody voice behind them.

Out from behind the gathered Clan, Russetdawn stomped over to the rogues. Her flattened ears twitched like they meant business. "Are you going to stand there like mindless mallards, or move?" she demanded, glaring.

Bad timing!

"You see, I was just talking to these delightful kits of yours-"

"Here he goes again," a tabby tom with grey paws muttered.

"Quiet, Lichenfoot!" hissed the lead tom.

Rosekit's tail twitched at the name. Why did it sound like a Clan cat? Were the rogues trying to become like the Clans?

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