18 Trapped Under

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Last Updated: July 5 2017

Possibly the final chapter of Fallen Leaves ever.

And thank you for the wonderful comments and 14K reads I do not deserve.



Rosekit! Skykit's heart roared with relief in his ears when he caught her tangy scent. When his eyes adjusted, he could make out the orange and white dapples of her fur, stark against the darkness, but his was itchy against the humid air. Suddenly, a rotten odour overwhelmed it. Skykit curled his lip, scrunched his nose. Ugh! Is there crowfood down here?

With twitching whiskers, he watched a silhouette grip Rosekit's scruff and, ignoring mewls and flailing paws, pace itself towards his cornered figure. Was it a fox? A cat? Whatever it was, he needed to rescue his denmate! He lunged for whatever his claws could reach, caterwauling. "Hawaaarrr!" Claws unsheathed, teeth bared, not even StarClan could stop this determined warrior!


Skykit was tossed against the confined walls, throwing up black clouds of soily dust that reduced all to a coughing fit.

"Mrrow? What kind of a leap was that? You kits get worse with each generation!" a female voice laughed as the dust cleared. He felt rough pads hold his head down, more gentler than he expected.

Now closer, he realised the scent was a rogue. Then anger took over. How dare she belittle his warriors moves! Rogues could not be comprised with; they could only be driven off by force! "Lef go of meh head! Fhe warrior code dewands if!" Skykit ordered through a mouthful of dirt. A cold, blue gaze flitted over to him.

"I can't understand you, kit," her crisp voice mewed through the darkness, "but I hope you can understand that with one blow, I can knock you unconscious." Skykit's copper eyes blinked in the half-blackness. He had forgotten how weak a kit was compared to a full grown cat, regardless of any warrior code protecting him. While he scrabbled in the hard dirt for anything to grip onto for comfort, the rogue added, "Neither of you are going anywhere. Unless Rosekit here will co-operate with me."

"Co-operate? Why? And how do you know my name?" The tortoiseshell, pressed against the rogue's body in fear, shifted into a more threatening demeanour. The she-cat glanced down at the sound, chuckled at this change.

"That doesn't matter. Anyway, you will co-operate with me to get closer to your father. You know," a flash of bared fangs could be barely seen, "the leader of CreekClan."

Both kits felt their neck fur stand on end.

"A rogue trying to get close to Father? That's never happened before, as far as I-"

"I am not a rogue!" The she-cat harshly gripped soil in her hind claws. Skykit was glad it wasn't his head. "I am a loner, and my name is Rose. Not one of those horse-brained cats! Now, do you oblige, little kit?"

Rosekit's fur bristled like a bottle brush, volumized twice its usual size. She spun round to glare up at Rose, "The answer is obvious, mouse-dung! But why choose CreekClan? Huh? Why, rogue?"

An even harsher stare flared in the loner's ice-blue gaze, and Skykit felt Rosekit was yowling a death wish. "While idly appreciating the many joys of life, I came to find that something was missing. Something that a she-cat of my age would naturally experience: kits. However, due to a certain...cat, that something has been stolen from me. I have returned to reclaim a certain kit from the thieves who stole her!"

"So that's why you chose Skykit and I to-"

"Why would I voluntarily choose the heartless one that agonized her? Not to mention your egotistical brother too. This 'Skykit' of yours was a spectator and watched on like the rest of those fools, therefore he is only a nuisance. I only 'chose' you because I knew that Hawkstar was your father; I was actually on my way to your camp until I scented rogues in the area. This entire meeting is pure coincidence."

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