0.3 | real life

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Marina's pov

I ran through the doors into the venue after the security check and ran straight to Ariana, who waved to me from the little crowd at the stage.

"Hey!!" she hugged me "This is gonna be so good!"

"I know!" I squealed "How early were you?"

She rolled her eyes "You don't wanna know"

As the rest of the crowd poured into the stadium, filling every corner, Ariana and I just stood there talking, and watching stage hands get the stage ready.

Suddenly, Ariana poked me "Hey, is that Lana?"


"That girl you follow on Instagram, who's always going to concerts and stuff? The really pretty brown haired one?"

I gasped a little, turning and Ariana was right, it was her!

Lana, or as I knew her @borntodie, was one of my favourite accounts on Instagram. She was always going to concerts and just like me, she loved Halsey and flowers.

"Should I say hi?" I asked Ariana

"Yes! Go!" She pushed me towards Lana, who stood about three feet away.

I bit my lip before walking towards her.

"Um" I took a deep breath "Hi"

She turned and looked at me before giving me a small smile "Hey"

"Uh...im Marina! I follow you on Instagram and you're one of my favourite accounts" I rubbed my arm nervously as she giggled.

"Really?" She asked "I didn't really think I had fans"

"Well you do. Me!"

She laughed again "What's your name?"


She held out her hand to me "Hey there Marina, I'm Lana"

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