2.6 | real life

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Lana entered the coffee shop and Ariana, Melanie and Marina waved her over.

"Hey guys!" she greeted them.

Marina gave her a massive hug and kissed her "Hi baby!"

"So what's the big news?" Lana chucked. She had gotten a message fifteen minutes before from Marina, saying there was "big news".

"Ari and Mel are dating!" Marina clapped her hands and giggled.

I gasped "Oh my god that's great! Congrats you guys!!"

Ariana leaned into Melanie and blushed "Thank you!!"

"I wanna take you somewhere" Marina stood up and took my hand, pulling me out of the chair.

I waved a goodbye to Melanie and Ariana who sat there, amused, and let myself be dragged to Marina's car.

"Marina!" I laughed "What are you doing?"

"We're going somewhere" she said simply and she turned the key in the ignition before driving.

We were driving for ages, singing along to the radio, before the ocean came into view on the horizon.

I squealed "Are we going to the beach?"

"Of course, it's your favourite place" Marina giggled, parking the car.

I opened the door and ran down the wooden steps to the sea, throwing my shoes behind me and running into the water.

I clapped my hands and squealed a little as Marina came up behind me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you!" I told her "I love you Marina"

She bit her lip before pulling away from me.

I was confused, until she got onto one knee.

My hands flew to my mouth to hold in a loud scream.

"Lana baby I've known you for like a year and a half. Okay, 450 days. I haven't been counting I swear! And I really really love you and I really want to be Marina del Rey. Or you can be Lana Diamandis, I really don't mind, but will you please marry me?"

I started to cry and I knelt beside her in the water, letting her slip a ring onto my finger "Yes Marina, I'd love to"

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