2.0 | real life

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Lana's pov

My fingers hovered over the keyboard on my phone; the flashing cursor in the message box taunting me. I had worded it so many ways but it still didn't sound right.

Maybe she didn't want to see me again. Maybe she had realised what a sad person I am.

Suddenly, there was a knock at my front door.

I didn't bother raising my head and I stayed lost in thought but then my mom came up to my room.

"Lana? Honey, it's for you"

I opened my bedroom door to a giant bouquet of flowers, red and yellow and white.

I gasped loudly and took the flowers from her hands. A small note was stuck to the front.

'xoxo flower girl'

My mom smiled knowingly and left the room, leaving me to fall back onto my bed, the note clutched in one hand and the flowers in the other, her scent enveloping me like a hug.

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