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Jungkook: What are you doing here?

Me: I-i...w-was-!

I heard these familiar growling again. These same creatures are back! I wided my eyes in fear and held Coco tightly in my arms.

Jungkook looked behind him and saw these two creatures, growling at him. He only smirked and then looked back at me.

Jungkook: Scared of them?

I didn't even look at him, i just looked down with my eyes closed, praying for these creatures to just disappear. Coco is injured i want to treat him as fast as possible.

Jungkook: As much as i want them to break you into pieces....i can't do that. You are importent to me, unfortantely

That was the ony things he said....i then heard pain filled growls and hitting noises, i had tears rolling down my cheeks, scared to even look up. I heard footsteps coming towards me.....

I looked up and saw Jungkook standing while these creatures were running. They were hurt as they ran for their lifes. I slowly turned my head towards Jungkook, who had scary looking red eyes.

 I slowly turned my head towards Jungkook, who had scary looking red eyes

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He looked at me with these eyes. He startdy walking towards me, he is now standing in front of me tall and....handsome.

I slowly lifted myself but because of my shaky legs, i fell forward...into his arms. I double wided my eyes and was shocked to know that i'm in this Demons arms. He didn't do anything, he stayed still. I backed away a little but stayed close to him.

Jungkook: What brought you to a dark forest? Alone? With this white thing?

Me: I.....g-got....lost...............

I had a very quiet tone. I looked down, avoiding his scary red-looking eyes.

Jungkook: Tch!

???: Heeeeeeeeeey!~

I looked up and screamed loudly as i saw this.....SCARY LOOKING SNAKE!!!!!!!

Author Note:
(I aint putting a snake picture, because if i do. I'm gonna scare myself😂😂😂)

???: What's up?~

This snake is trying to speak sexily with me but...is just too...disgusting....

Shadow: My name is Shadow! And you are???~~

I'm not saying my name to these jer-!

I heard alot noise coming from the sky that made me jump and hug...Jungkook. I was too scared to even think who i am hugging. I knew exactly who i was hugging but...for some reason....i feel safe now. He might be a Demon but....he said i'm importent to him so.....he will not hurt me......right?

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