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🌅The Next Day...🌅

Me and the rest of my Friends were walking over to our Class. We had History and i love it, it's super interesting and full with great yet sometimes sad Stories and Legends.

Lucinda: Ahh, History is so boring! As if i care how Demons lived in the past!

Lilia: But...some are Good...right?

Katelyn: They are bad now and will always be. End of the Story

They seem to hate Demons, escepially Katelyn, since the Tournament she hates losing and seeing them cheat in action makes her even more angry. She likes playing fair and doing things fairly so that the Winner deserves it, but then again they are Demons...they can never play fair.

Lilia: Is Professor actually trusting Mrs.Enfer?

Lucinda: I hope not. If Professor is then i might always jump out of the window and die

Katelyn: I've already done that. But didn't work

Me: Guys, maybe Mrs.Enfer isn't what she seems like. She might be kind

Lucinda: Yeah right. If i see her with my two eyes or hear her talk sweetly with my two ears then it's not her. She has never spoken anything good, not that i know

Me: You guys see everything bad in them

Katelyn: Why are you trusting them? Don't tell me you like someone who is a Demon?

Me: W-what!? No! NO!

Lilia: What about that Demon?

Lucinda: What Demon?

Lilia: Jungkook, he seems to be interested in Yui. Didn't you see how angry he was when Jimin wanted to take her?

Lucinda: Oh yeah!

Katelyn: Wait, when?

That's when i froze. I looked at those two then wided my eyes.


Lucinda: NO! WE DIDN'T!


Lilia: B-BUT WE-!

Lucinda: RUN!!

They both ran at the speed of sound, i yelled at them and they kept running for their Lifes. I fell on my knees and covered my face with my hands, then felt Katelyn's hand on top of my shoulder and patting it.

Katelyn: I wasn't with them. Just saying

She then lifted herself up and started walking towards the Calssroom again, leaving me alone.


Professor: So, after that Miss.Maria was the most well known Archer in Heaven

Lilia: Was she beautiful?!

Professor: Yes, she was the most beautiful, brave, strong, kind and smart Female Archer there ever was in Heaven. She is pretty famous in our History, please always remember her name, Miss.Maria

Guy: If i have a Daughter i'll name her Maria

The entire Class bursts in laughing, but only i was not laughing. I was looking out of the window, thinking about what Jungkook said and did when i was almost taken by that Perv Jimin.

Lucinda: But how did Miss.Maria die Professor?

Professor: Actually she did not die. We are still unsure of what has happend but...some say she is still out there upserving us

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