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After what happend Lucinda told me to stay in my Dorm and tell the Nurse that i'm sick, i'm glad that i could stay at the Dorm...i really do not feel like talking or seeing these pathetic Demons. I stood up, went to the Bathroom and took a very warm yet short shower.

After the short yet warm shower, i came out and went to the closet while wearing a light pink robe on my body. I opened the closet and was looking for an sick-day outfit. After alot of searching, i found it. I grabbed the outfit, ran to the Bathroom and came out. I went towards the mirror, looked at myself and smiled while doing my hair a bit.

I walked to the Balcony, opened the doors wide and went towards a chair that we had in the Balcony

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I walked to the Balcony, opened the doors wide and went towards a chair that we had in the Balcony. I sat down, put my headphones on and closed my eyes while listening to music peacefully.

I felt the wind hit my face multible times until....i fell asleep, and could not feel anything, only having a new Dream.

Where am i this time? Circus?

I looked around but...could not see much, only black. I eventually started to hear a little boy cry, i slowly started walking towards the crying noised but...the slowly-walking turned to Gotta-go-fast and just had to see if the Kid was okay or not.

I stopped when i saw a little boy sitting in a ball position and was crying his heart out. I slowly walked to him, bended down and patted his back until...he lifted his head up and looked at me. His pure and teary eyes were unable to look at. He was so cute and crying did not suite him. I smiled kindly, messed his hair and asked why he was crying.

Boy: My...Mommy...is not here...

Me: She will come soon. She might be running her way here

Boy: I...have been for her....for over two days...

Me: Two days?!

Boy: My Mommy hates me! She left me! Ahhhhh!!

The boy was extremly sad but...somehow he disappeared. I wided my eyes as i heard a creepy laugh. I stood up, quickly and looked around me until...i saw a guy standing while looking down. I walked towards him, slowly but...i think he heard my footsteps. He slowly turned his face and...my eyes wided.

my eyes wided

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Why...is he crying?

I saw a girl standing behind him, he cried nonstop, not knowing what to do while...the girl laughed her heart out.

What is this dream?

Why do i keep getting dreams of Jungkook? It does not make any sense. I'm...scared....please...help...

I opened my eyes, slowly. I breathed heavily, i wiped the sweat from my forehead then looked at my lap. I noticed a black jacket on my lap, i grabbed it and lifted my head up. I did not see anyone, who does it belong to?

I was about to stand when suddenly...i bumped on a random person's chest and fell back down on the chair. It happend so fast and sudden that even i did not know who was the cause of it. I opened my eyes and looked up, then wided my eyes at the person who i bumped into.

 I opened my eyes and looked up, then wided my eyes at the person who i bumped into

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Jungkook: You okay?

He was too close, i screamed and pushed him away from me with a blushing-face. I looked at him, who fell on his butt in front of me.

He sat on the ground and looked at me with a smirk.

Jungkook: So? What was the dream about? Was i that hot?

Me: Huh? What...do you mean?

Jungkook: You kept saying my name

Me: Ohh....t-thats.....

I wanted to get out of this awkward moment, so i stood up and gave him his jacket back, as i was about to leave the Balcony, he grabbed my wrist from behind, pulled me backwards, wrapping his arms around my waist and backhugged me. I wided my eyes in shock and surprise, not believing that this Demon is backhugging me. I felt his warm breath near my ear, which sended shiver to my entire body.

" Having dreams about me? Hmm...how interesting"

To be Continued...

Thank you for reading!~😊

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