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This chapter is dedicated to Damn_Love_Girl.

Spoiler warning for season 2 of Attack on Titan in this chapter !!!

Eren pov
I was all done cleaning for the day. "Dammit, fuck" I yelled after I hit my knee on the corner of the table in the eating hall. "Jegger get over here now" "Yes Levi?" I questioned. "Do you call this filth clean, or do you not know the definition of Clean!" he yelled. " What's wrong with it it's clean!" I know I cleaned it but I did know I didn't clean it to Levi's  standards the truth it that I kind of like to see him and yes o find him attractive and yess know that's gay but still. " Jegger did you here enything that I just said" " Sorry but no sir" "That's it you are to clean this room for 2 months"
End of flash back

Levi's pov
Today we where up against the armord Titan  and colossal Titan to get Eren back, that bitch Reiner who dose he think he is taking my boyfriend. Yes that's right me and Eren have been dating for over 6 months. Yes people know like Hanji,Erwin,Conny , Sasha, Mikasa, and Armin. But Rainer that fucking bitch. Then we all spotten it Rainer and Bertholdx aka the colossal and Armored Titan! That bitch if he dare Hertz  hurts Eren in any way I will kill both of them. All the scouts knew that me and Mikasa where the most mad at them. Then a massive fleat of tottan came and we lost sight of the armord Titan. Then we saw Yamir and Historia when over to them but got caught to. Then after a few minutes we say all of them including Eren. Ther he was both me and Mikasa used or 3d maneuver gear to get close to the Armored Titan. Mikasa got close to Berthold but Renir wasn't liking it but Armin came can talked to Bertholdx for a little bit and then that's when the smileing tittan apperd. "Eren, Mikasa " I screamed knowing the history with this tatan and Eren. This Titan killed his mother and was the reason Eren what's to kill all the Titans. Then Hannes apperd and that's when Erwin called all of us to get back in formation. That's when I had to look away but my position in formation was looking right at Eren. That's when I saw it Hannes died by the same Titan that Killeen erens mom now took him to. That's when a fleet of Titans apperd and we hat to leave but the I saw something Eren punches the Titans hand and the fleet of Titans all ran over to the smileing Titan. What the fuck did Eren just controlled Titans. "Full retreat"Erwin yelled and when he did I saw Eren and Mikasa both on a horse and felt so much better and when back to focusing on the retreat.

A week later.

It was me and Eren's 7th anniversary today. Erwin knew so he gave us both the week off for some reason but I don't care it will be nice. So I started to walk to Eren's room and was right outside and herd crying so I did the first thing that came to mind Hanji gave me a bobby pin and tought me how to pick locks so I did and that's when I saw him crying in the corner of his room and walked up to him and turned him around and kissed him, he kissed back with passion and I did the same and that lasted I few seconds till we both needed air. Tonight we when out to a little bakery called Okumura. We when in and a person named Yukio sat us down and a person named Rin took our order . It was nice after that we when back to a lake on the ege of wall Sena and watched the sun set and then started to make out. It went like this he kissed me, I kissed back and I kissed him, he kissed back. Then we looked at the start's the last time I looked at stars was with Isabel and Furlan. That brought tears to my eyes and eren  noticed. See I told him about Isablel and Furlan and he told me about his mom. "Levi you know I used to do this with my mom and Mikasa."he said kind of in a sad voice. "No but the last time I did this was with Isabel and Furlan" "Wow that had to be A long time ago and if it makes you feel any better I love you and I love this night" and he kissed me and I kissed back.
Then we fell asleep there under the stars in each other's arms.

The end!! Leave a request in the comments if you what to see any specific ship in mind. :)

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