Yuri x Victor

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" Beep beep* was what  Yuri heard when he woke up, and he realized that he had a free day to do whatever I want, and he up before Victor! Well kinda I decided with the free time I had to go back to sleep.  " Yuriiiiiiii, wake up !!!" " Victor what the fuck?" " You slept to long ,oh it's also snowing, so let's go outside!!!!!!" " Victor I just woke up!" "So let's just go outside please, I promise it won't be long ,ok?", " Fine" " Yay, ok go get ready." " Ok, and I will need coffee first." " Ok" Victor already knew that was coming, he always knows that Yuri needs he coffee before he starts his day. So while Yuri is getting changed, Victor works on the coffee.

*Time skip to after breakfast*
So Yuri and Victor go and walk out of the house when Victor gets the grate idea of having a snowball fight.  * Smack* " Victor what the fuck!" " Yuri wh.." * smack* Yuri hit Victor in the face with a snowball. " Payback" " You show not have done that." And within 10 minutes they were in an full blown snowboarding fight. When they got back inside they were both covered in snow and cold. " I'll get some towels you just go get changed" Victor tells Yuri. " Ok." So after Victor said that Yuri went upstairs and changed into a blue long sleeve shirt and a pair of black sweats. "Ok I'm back." Victor said with two cups of hot chocolate. " Here my love" " Thank you Victor " " No problem" So they two enjoyed there hot chocolate and when they were done they both cuddled with each other and kissed incenir twice witch turned into a make out session real fast. After that Yuri and Victor went to go to sleep, and when they hot into bed Victor streched his arm out and Yuri took that as a sign that Victor whated a hug so Yuri hugged him but buried his head into Victor's chest and Victor huged Yuri tightly knowing one of his depressed weeks are about to happen. So all Victor dose is hug Yuri and prays that tomorrow he won't wake up depressed.

* Author's Note*
Hey guys sorry I haven't posted much on this story but here it is and leave a comment if you what me to go more in depth with Victor and his battle of depression, and also thank you for everyone who has read this book over 800 PEOPLE read this and I'm extremely grateful for that. And leave comments about what ships you what to see next:)

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