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               I woke up early the next morning to the sound of someone humming. I figured it was Reuben, since Denver sounded like a wounded animal when he did anything musical. I walked down the hallway and carefully pushed opened Denver’s door. He was lying on his bed, rewrapping his bandages, and humming a song that I’ve never heard. I leaned on the doorway and listened quietly, until the door squeaked. “Eavesdropping isn’t nice Maxine.” I punched him in the shoulder and sat down next to him on his bed. “Don’t call me Maxine.” He chuckled and turned to me. His eyes were a dazzling blue, but they were darker than mine. They looked like the ocean in the moonlight. His face was still covered in scratches, but they were healing. I stared into his eyes a little longer until Reuben cleared his throat. “I appreciate that you’re admiring my beauty and all, but it’s kind of freaking me out.” I smiled shyly and turned my head away, scooting away from him. “Sorry…” I said moving a piece of hair from my face. “It’s fine, most girls find me… stunningly attractive.” I looked up at him, my eyes wide. “I do not find you “stunningly attractive”!” he laughed at me and started humming the song again. “What song is that?” “It’s a song I learned at my old village. It’s called the ‘Song of the Nethers’, would you like to learn it?” he asked. “Oh I’m not much of a singer…” I said, swinging my legs. “Come on now, anyone can sing.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I expected him to be good, but he was amazing. His voice flowed like running water.  “Oh come on down to the Village, where the sun and the stars shine. Where everyone is smiling and everyone is kind. The people sing their happy song to praise the one they love, the happy song for happy ones, the song of the Nethers.” He stopped singing and turned to me, “That’s it.” I stared at him; I didn’t know what to say. It was beautiful, it was amazing. “You have a beautiful voice.” Nice move Max, nice move. He chuckled, “That was nothing, you should’ve heard my sister.” He dropped my hands and turned away. “I’m going to shower; it was nice talking to you though.” I nodded my head and started out the door but he called me back. “Wait Max.” I turned around and he leaned in, like he was going to kiss me, but he quickly pulled away and walked out the door.

I was sitting in the living room when Denver walked in. I was kind of upset that Reuben didn’t kiss me, I guess he noticed. “Are you okay?” I turned up at him, offering a strawberry from the bowl I was eating from. He grabbed it and plopped down beside me. “I’m fine, just a little tired.” He raised his eyebrows at me in concern and then rolled his eyes, turning away. “What are you doing here anyways?” He asked, reaching for another strawberry. “Just thinking. I’ve been doing that a lot now, you know? About life, about death.” I put bowl onto the coffee table and turned to him. “Do you ever think about that Denver? About when our lives will end, about when the end will come for us?” He put his berry back into the bowl and brushed his hands onto his pants. “Of course not. Why dwell on the future when we can enjoy what we have now? I try not to think about death, it makes me depressed.” I nodded my head and stood up. “Good talk Denver, you should join me more often.”

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