Chapter One - My Life

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I jump awake as Karen screams my name. "Get down here you little brat the kid is crying!". And as if on cue, Jake started screaming. I might as well get up now. I got up and made my bed. It consist of a pillow and blanket on a toddlers bed. Since I was very small for my age. Some people, or at least I think, think I look like 10, even though I am actually 16.

Once I got down stairs, I got a hard slap to the face for not tending to Jake before he woke up Karen. "No food for you today. I'm going out. I'll be back later, don't kill my kids, and make sure your chores are done before I get back." She says. I nodded as a response. She got her purse and left. I walked over to Jakes room and picked him up and rocked him in my arms as I walked into the kitchen to get breakfast ready for the twins and get a bottle ready for Jake.

I have gotten his formula ready, since he is only one month old, and began feeding him as I began my trip back up the stairs to wake the twins. By time I got up the stairs I was out of breath because of how malnourished I am. Once I caught my breath I walked into the twins room, and they were both standing in their cribs. Since they are two and a half, they don't have their own toddler beds yet. I got a blanket and made it so I could set Jake down and prop his bottle on the blanket as well.

Once I made sure Jake was okay on the floor, I went over to the twins. "Who wants uppie first?" And Jack raises his hand before Jill did. I know, very classic names right? I had gone over to Jack and picked him up, and brought him over to the changing station. I changed his messy diaper and got him into nice play cloths. I had set him on the ground and went over to Jill.

I had picked her up and had done the same to her. After I got the kids dressed and I had picked Jake back up and brought him to the changing station. I took the half empty bottle out of his mouth and picked him up to burp him. Once he burped I layed him down and got him changed and ready for the day also. Once I was done I had picked him up and started feeding him again. I walked over to the door and open it, the twins were to busy to notice as they were playing with the very little toys they had.

"Guys, time for breakfast." I said. Both got up and came to the top of the stairs hand in hand. I started down as they held hands with one hand and the railing on each side of them with the other. I walked in front so they didn't fall forward as I couldn't carry them as I was carrying Jake and feeding him.

Once we got to the bottom, we walked over to the kitchen and I had put Jake in his swing and propped up his bottle again and he ate away. Once I walked away I had walked over to the twins who were next to their high chairs. I had put in Jill first and buckled her in as well as Jack. After that, I walked over to Jake, picked him up, and noticed his bottle was empty, so I burped him. Once he was burped I put him back in the swing and started breakfast.

I had given the twins some crayons and paper. While they drew, Jake fell asleep for his first nap of the day. I was making eggs and toast. While that was being made I stepped away to get their drink ready. I got to sippy cups and filled them with milk and handed them to Jack and Jill. They immediately started drinking. If I wasn't here, all three kids would probably be starving.

I was adopted for the soul purpose of taking care of the devils kids. Even though these kids were the sweetest. Once I finished the eggs and toast I cut them up bite size and let them cool. Once they cooled I took their drawing stuff and replaced it with their breakfast. I had sit down and watched them eat. I looked at the clock on the wall, damn it's only 7:34 am. This is gonna be a long day.

I decided to do the dishes and once I was done so we're the twins. I had done those dishes, and cleaned them up. Once they were clean, I took them each out and brought them to the living room and turned on the tv. Or what's left of it. and went to tend to the start of my chores. Since they are occupied, and Jake is sleeping, it's the perfect time.

Hey guys. I've never written a story before, this is a first. The first to many more. Please don't hate. I love writing and a friend convinced me to actually write. So I did. I know what you are thinking, lots of questions will be answered next chapter. And yes, the Winchester's will be here soon. Thanks to faiffoox (FAITHYYYYYYYY ) for making me do this. Until next time.

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