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In the new training room, Buttercup was training extra hard, punching the gym bag hard, as if it were an enemy. Butch was in another corner lifting weights at 21 lbs each. Suddenly, Butch heard a crack and a loud cry and turned around fast to see what was happening. Much to his surprise, he saw Buttercup in the corner holding her arm tenderly, and with tears rolling down her cheeks. Butch was completely shocked because he always considered Buttercup to be a real tomgirl who never got sad over anything. Butch asked what happened and in the most unexpected tone, Buttercup replied, "I was giving this sandbag a knuckle sandwich when all of a sudden before I knew it, my arm felt like it was broken." Butch felt his girlfriend's left arm and sure enough it was broken in the humerus. Then, at that moment Butch leapt into action. He rushed over, grabbed a towel from the bathroom and gently wrapped it around Buttercup's broken limb. Then, with the professor's help, he delicately placed a cast around the broken arm and kissed her right on the cheek. Normally, Buttercup would feel a little sick to the stomach, but in this case, she just smiled and kissed Butch back. Meanwhile, in the center of Townsville, Mojo Jojo had driven a gigantic robot in the form of a gorilla and Him had taken the shape of a giant red praying mantis with the two villains about to duke it out. "You red demon! You will pay for manipulating something that I, Mojo Jojo, designed to crush the puny Powerpuff Girls." "Nice try, chimp chump. If anyone's going to pay for changing the behavior of the Rowdyruff Boys, IT WILL BE YOU!" With that the two villains began a war of crime that only the Powerpuff Girls and their new boyfriends could stop.

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