three → imessage

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( isla my hoe
althea babeee
lucy the queen )

new imessage from BOSS ASS BITCHES 💋

my hoe
we should go to that
party at shawn's tonight

the queen
im game, i need to forget
about all the stress from finals
last month and there's only
one way to do that -- body shots

guys but what if you-know-who
is there, you know i can't see

hun, if anything you should
be holdin your head high not
running from her. of course
if you aren't comfortable going
we won't but i think she needs
to know what she's missing!

the queen
what she said

my hoe

yeah, i guess you guys are

my hoe
hell yeah we are!

the queen
so let's meet at mine @ 4?
we'll get ready n go together

yeah that sounds like a plan.
omg wait guys you know how
that guy was commenting on
my pics?

oh yeah, creepy guy??

my hoe
hot creepy sugar daddy guy**

that's the one. turns out he
actually does know who i am he was
like oh yeah we had this class
together and this class and you
interviewed me for yearbook.
i was just like yeah yikes i'm bad
w names and i felt soo bad
but i like barely recall seeing his

the queen
omg that's so awkward 😂
now that i think about it though
he did look kinda familiar

oh yeahh actually i do remember
now he was always w those super
hot upperclassmen like even after
they graduated.

the queen
how could i forget about that?
literally scott mccall was daddy

lucy please keep your daddy
kink away from my innocent
eyes, ya nasty

the queen
leave me alone 😭😭

anywayy, yeah that is ringing
a bell now but i still don't know
how he knew me we've said like
5 words to each other ever

girl lmao he probably likes you

my hoe

chillll we don't even know each

my hoe
oh sweetheart, but he knows
you ;)

look if anybody's the creep it's
definitely you, lala

she's not wrong

my hoe
tbh i'm feeling so attacked
right now

the queen
stop texting and get ur butts
over here we need to start getting
ready and i need help picking
out an outfit

i mean you look amazing in
literally everything?? but ok
5 minutes & i'll be omw

my hoe
leavin now

isla pick me up on ur way

my hoe
copy that dude

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