Chapter 10 - Slowly

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Yoongi had never cried in front of his brothers. He only cried when he was alone. He wasn't embarrassed or trying to look tough. He just never wanted to burden anyone. That night was no different. He didn't sleep at all. How could he? Instead he sat on the bathroom floor and cried. His selfishness had once again lead to disaster. That was how he saw it. If Jin died, Yoongi was certain he would die thinking Yoongi hated him. That was the last thing Yoongi wanted. But his pride and anger had still brought him to ignore Jin. Eventually he had to dry his tears and look brave for his younger brothers. He knew none of them had slept very well in this strange house either. They didn't joke or laugh at all that morning. They only asked the same questions over and over again.

"What happened?"

"Do you think Jin and Namjoon are okay?"

"Will we see them soon?"

But they would get the same answer every time, no matter who they asked.

"I don't know,"

Finally, they could go to the hospital. The car ride over was a silent one. Even Hoseok, who usually did his best to lighten such situations, was quiet. At last they arrived at the hospital and made their way to the room.

"Mommy!" Taehyung cried as soon as he saw me standing by the door.

They all ran forward and I wrapped my arms around them. I was so happy to see them again.

"What happened? Why haven't you told us anything?" Yoongi asked.

"The past few hours have been very scary," I admitted. "But we're okay now. Namjoon is completely fine. But Jin got hurt."

"How?" Jimin asked. "Was it bad?"

"Somebody broke into our house and Jin got seriously injured in the process," I said.

All of them but Jungkook instantly knew who this "somebody" was.

"You've got to be gentle with him, alright?" I said.

They all nodded and I opened the door. They all rushed to Jin's side, jostling his bed in the process. But Jin brightened up as soon as they came in. They immediately began bombarding Jin and Namjoon with a hundred questions. But they both answered them with no problem, just happy to all be back together again.

"Hey, it's getting close to lunch time," My boss said. "How about we go down to the cafeteria?"

"Ah, I've gotta stay here and finish what I was working on." I pointed to the stacks of paper lying next to my laptop.

"I'm hungry," Jungkook said. "And I wanna see the cafeteria,"

"Me too!" Taehyung chimed in.

"How about I take the boys down there and we can bring you and Jin something?" My boss suggested.

"Alright, that's fine with me," I said.

"We'll bring you something really delicious!" Taehyung grinned at me.

"Or maybe something really weird," Hoseok countered.

They laughed. It was good to see them laugh, especially Jin. He wasn't joking along with them, but he was laughing.

"I think I'll stay," Yoongi said.

So, the rest of the boys left and it was just me, Jin, and Yoongi. I put on some music and got back to working. I needed to figure out how we were going to pay for all these expenses. We had insurance but there were so many little unexpected things, I was getting worried. Money had always been tight, but I knew things were going to be extra tough now. Eventually, I decided to take a break and switched off my music, but I left my headphones on. And without even meaning to, I started listening to Jin and Yoongi's conversation.

"-then we got here," Yoongi said.

"Oh, okay," Jin said.

There was a pause.

"Jin," Yoongi eventually said. "You're going to be okay now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, the doctors said my condition has stabilized a lot."

There was another pause.

"You... know I'm sorry, right?"

"I'm sorry too, I should've tried harder but-"

"No, Jin, that's not fair. You can't apologize when I was wrong. I was overreacting. Music is important to me, but you're more important. I shouldn't have been so cruel to you. I-I was so mean and then you..."

Yoongi trailed off, unable to speak while trying to hold back his tears. Jin took his hand. I couldn't hear the rest of their conversation. It was a silent one, a private one, that I wouldn't have wanted to hear. I had intruded enough already. I turned my music back on and continued working.

The next few days were hard. We had to sleep in the same room. I couldn't afford a hotel and we needed to stay near Jin. The boys did their best to entertain themselves, but it was hard in such an environment. So, anytime a knock came at the door, they would excitedly spring up to answer it. One day, they threw open the door to find police officers on the other side. I quickly stepped out with them. I'd already spoken to them once, I wasn't expecting them back so quickly.

"Did you find him?" I asked.

"No, actually, there's no record of him," One of them said. "We had this same problem when you submitted your restraining order. There's no one with that description."

"I don't understand," I said. "How can that be possible?"

"He must have lied to you about his identity," The other said. "This isn't the first time we've seen something like this. You're a single mother, correct?"

"Yes," I said, confused.

"What was your husband's name?" He continued.

"It... well it was Jinyoung,"

"You were dating the man who attacked your son, correct?"

"Yes, for a short time,"

"Was he controlling?"

"Yes, he could get pretty controlling,"

The two officers turned to look at each other. I had just confirmed whatever suspicions they had.

"Have you heard of the serial killer that's on the loose right now?" They asked.

"Yes, he's being called 'father' or something, right?" I said.

"Do you know why he's called that? It's because he targets single mothers and dates them for a while before killing them. He uses the name of their dead husbands while he's dating them," He said.

"So, are you saying he's the one who did this?" I asked.

"Yes. And as far as we know, your son is the only survivor,"

They interviewed Jin alone. I wanted to be in there with him, but of course they wouldn't let me. I sat in the hall with the other boys. I couldn't let them know who Jinyoung really was. It would only make things worse. But they were such bright boys I knew they would figure it out eventually. Still, I would do my best to keep it from them. The police insisted on having some men guard our door. I was not at all opposed to the idea. The boys thought it was exciting. Every time we left the room they would gawk at them. Jungkook started saying he wanted to be a police officer when he grew up. The other boys insisted he would never be strong enough. Having the officers there put my mind at ease. Maybe this would finally be over. Maybe I could finally sleep peacefully again.

I opened my eyes, unsure of what had woken me up. The boys were all sound asleep. I was still mostly asleep as I looked around the room. Then I noticed the door slowly creeping open. Was it a nurse? They didn't usually come in at this time of night. As the light poured more into the room, I started to see the outline of a man standing there. He was holding something. What was it? I couldn't think straight, I was too tired. Suddenly a scream echoed into the room. I sat up, fully awake. The figure had disappeared but the screaming continued. I stood up and rushed to the door. The boys were waking up, confused. I opened the door and almost screamed at the sight of the two officer's lifeless bodies. On top of them lay a note.

They can't protect you

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