Chapter 14 - Creep

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The long hot summer days slowly began to fade, but my ever-present anxiety remained. The boys had contented themselves to the idea that we would be staying longer than they originally expected. They were slowly settling into the routine and atmosphere of the new town. We had managed to get the house in a presentable state. The rooms had been chosen and settled upon. Despite only being one floor, the house was much larger than our home back in Seoul. There were four bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. Presented with the opportunity to switch up their roommates, the boys randomly chose who was sleeping where. Jin and Yoongi ended up with the smallest room in the back of the house, to the great amusement of the other boys. Hoseok and Jimin got the room next to mine. Finally, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook got the largest room at the front of the house.

Every morning I left my Aunt in charge while I went to town in search of a job. And I was quickly exhausting my options and getting worried. At every interview I was met with unfamiliar or forgotten faces. Their suspicious glances and confused responses to everything I said always told me I had come up short yet again. I was beginning to get desperate. I did have money saved but it was quickly disappearing with seven growing mouths to feed. The horrible thought of having to go back was lingering in the back of my mind. It was particularly persistent one afternoon as I made my way back from yet another obviously failed interview. I was walking slowly, gazing around me almost in a trance. I looked down one of the many side streets as I passed it and slowed to a stop. It was a dead end obviously ignored by most people. Grass was growing through cracks in the cement. There was an old neglected bench up against the side of one of the buildings. It was desperately clinging onto life as a man sat on it. He was turned away from me, staring off into the distance, tightly grasping something in his hand. He was familiar. I couldn't help staring at him. His head slowly began to turn towards me as he no doubt felt my eyes on him. A loud bark caused me to nearly jump out of my skin. I spun around to see a large Pitbull running towards me. I yelped and stumbled backwards. Luckily, before it could reach me, its owner called to it. It stopped and shuffled around like it still wanted to tackle me.

"I'm sorry!" The owner said running up to me. "She doesn't normally run at people like that."

He noticed my terrified expression.

"She's really friendly," he bent down next to the dog. "Say hello Hattie."

The dog wagged its tail. But I furrowed my brow. The name was familiar. And suddenly the realization hit me.

"No way," I said. "Park Youngsoo?"

"Yes. How do I know you?" He stood up again

"I used to live here. We went to school together," I explained.

"Wait. Kim Jiwoo?" Youngsoo smiled. "It's been so long,"

"Yeah, I almost didn't recognize you."

He laughed. "You want to go to the lake and catch up?"

I nodded and we started walking. Before we left, I glanced back down the side street again, trying to see the man's face. But he was gone. I felt uneasy.

Youngsoo and I sat under the willow tree. He had never been a close friend. One that probably would have stayed forgotten if not for our reunion. When we were young we had claimed to want to get married when we were older. Not out of any sense of love or even friendliness. But rather because it was something a lot of the children in our town did. And many times, they did end up marrying. But we had bordered on hating each other at times. When one of his several dogs attacked me, and gave me my life long fear of dogs, we didn't speak for weeks. Yet we always made up. Because we were going to get married of course. We droned on about our lives since we last saw each other. A small but noticeably uncomfortable atmosphere hanging over us.

"Wow, seven kids?" Youngsoo stared at me in amazement. "With one guy?"

"Of course, with one guy," I straighten up a bit indignantly.

"What are you doing back here?" Youngsoo seemed oblivious to my annoyance.

"Oh," I looked away, unsure of how to answer. "It's hard to explain."

"That's okay," Youngsoo leaded back. "You know, a lot has changed since you left. Not so much buildings or streets or whatever. Those are as crappy as ever. I mean like people. You weren't the only one who left to get a better education elsewhere. Many families moved for their children. The town shrunk a lot in a really short amount of time. Those of us who did stay became even more tightly knit. Suffocatingly so."

"I can see that," I said. "You're the first person who's been friendly to our family. It's been impossible trying to find a job."

"Doesn't surprise me. You could live here for years and most people still wouldn't trust you." He patted me on the back.

Slightly annoyed, I scooted away. Youngsoo took the hint and started to talk to his dog. I tuned him out and looked out over the lake. The uncertainty of my future was evident. I hated it. I had no idea what to do. We couldn't stay here if I didn't get a job soon. But we couldn't afford to go back to Seoul. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I could feel someone's eyes on me. I looked around. There was no one nearby.

Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook lay on the living room floor in silence. The sound of Auntie and the other boys' discussion about something probably incredibly boring almost putting them to sleep. Hoseok sat up, frustrated.

"I'm so bored!" He complained. "Let's do something,"

"There's nothing to do." Taehyung sighed. "We've explored every inch of the house and we can't even go into the front yard."

"Let's play a game!" Jungkook said.

"Like what?" Hoseok asked.

Silence. Hoseok groaned and flopped back down. He pulled the stone he had gotten from the lake out of his pocket. He smiled

"Why don't we play something with this?" Hoseok suggested.

"What if it gives you superpowers?" Taehyung sat up.

"Perfect! We can be a superhero group," Hoseok said.

"I wanna use it!" Jungkook pulled the rock from Hoseok's hand.

"Kookie, that's not fair!" Taehyung protested.

"No, it's fine. We can all have our own rocks. We can go down to the lake and get some more," Hoseok said.

"How?" Taehyung asked.

The problem of how was not lost to Hoseok. He knew I would not have time to take them to the lake today or likely and time soon. Auntie was too old to walk all the way down there. And soon school would be upon them. But he had an idea. It was complicated and had the potential to land them in a lot of trouble. He didn't consider merely getting rocks for a game to be worth all of it. But he wasn't doing it for the game. He knew the game was reason enough for his brothers to help him. Hoseok pulled his brothers into his room and began explaining. Excited by the promise of adventure, the idea of consequences disappeared from their minds.

"It's settled then," Hoseok smiled. "Tomorrow, we're sneaking out."

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