I'll Follow You Like Toy Soldiers

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One week later...

Patrick's p.o.v:

I head into English class looking down at my class schedule, making sure I'm in the right room. If I'm correct I should be in Mr. Armstrong's class.

Most of my college classes are early in the morning, so sadly my friends aren't in them. They didn't want to get up early every morning, which is understandable I guess, but I really wish at least one of my friends were in my classes.

I take a seat next to a guy with brown hair styled to the side.

I fix my fedora before pulling out my supplies needed for this class. Though I quickly got distracted by the sound of a pop can opening. It was the brown haired guy I was sitting next to, he opened up a rockstar energy drink before dumping the whole thing into his coffee.

He then turns to me, looks me dead in the eye and chugs the whole thing without blinking or coming up for air, it was impressive and terrifying at the same time.

After he's done he wipes his mouth on his hoodie sleeve before offering his hand for me to shake. Being the polite man that I am, I shake the weird strangers hand.

"I'm Alex" he smiles at me.

"I'm Patrick" I chuckle. "Are you okay?" I ask glancing at his now empty cup of coffee.

"Yeahy, I'll be fine" he nods. The after noon classes were full so I got stuck with the morning ones. It's the only way I can get through the day" he laughs, I join in just as the teacher walks in.

He's shorter than I thought he would be for a teacher. Though he's still taller than me so I'm one to talk.


During class I learned that Alex lives in room 182 with his 'friend' Jack (the way he talks about him I'm guessing they're more than friends) he also told me about his friends Zack and Rian and how they're having a party Friday, which he so kindly invited me and Pete to.

Alex is in most of my classes, except my last two I learned after class ended. It sucks that he's not in all my classes, it was pretty nice having someone I know and can talk to in class.

I walk into history, sadly without Alex. I notice soon after I enter that Mr. Hoppus isn't here yetr, so I decide to take this as time to relax. Except for the fact that when I took a seat I noticed the person beside me.


"Sup, stumpy" he smirks at me.

"Don't ever call me that" I chuckle, shaking my head at him.

"Sorry sweet cheeks" he winks at me.

Before I can make a come back Mr. Hoppus walks in.


About half an hour later, and constant talking from Pete that turned out to be mostly flirting, Mr. Hoppus gave us an assignment.

"You'll be working in pairs, pick a person from history and do a full report on them. You can make a poster, power point, story, a song, whatever works for you" he shrugs carelessly. I don't think he really cares.

I look around the room looking for someone to work with, but my searching was interrupted by something being thrown at my head... a waded up piece of paper.

Thrown by Pete of course.

I turn to look at him to see he has a huge obnoxious smirk on his face.

"No sense looking around the room Sweet cheeks, you're my partner" he grins at me, which I found pretty cute, but that's not the point.

The point is, I'm stuck working with someone who's going to flirt with me instead of actually doing the work. But I don't want to be rude, so I'm just going to have to put up with it.

"Okay, how do you want to present the person and who do you want to pick" I ask him, pushing up my glasses with my index finger.

"I think we should do a song it sounds the easiest...and I don't know about the person."

"We'll figure it out later at our dorm."

"Sounds great sweet cheeks" he agrees with a small nod.

"My name is Patrick" I correct, leaning towards him.

"Stumpkins" he retorts leaning in as well.

Now it's not what you're thinking, we're not about to do an in the moment kiss like they do in movies, it's not going in that direction at all. We aren't leaning in in that kind of way, it's more of a challenging kind of way to see who backs down first.

"My name is Patrick, use it" I lean closer.

"Pattycakes" he challenges leaning in closer as well. It's to the point where I wasn't exactly up in his face, but I can slightly feel his breath on my skin.

We just stare into each others eyes testing who will break first, Are eyes squinting slightly from the concentration. I don't know how long the battle would have gone on for if it wasn't for Mr. Hoppus interrupting us by yelling that class is over and we need to leave.

"Do you have Mr. Ramsay next?" Pete asks as we stand up from our seats.

"Yeah, do you have him too?"

"Yup. I'll race you there" he says with a smug smile.

I look at the nearly empty hallway we had just entered, then back at him. I am not fast, but I feel the need to beat Pete for some reason, so I agree.

"You're on" I tell him, before I run as fast as I can to the Social Studies room. I hear Pete yell something alone the lines of "hey, no fair" from behind me, but I don't care, I'm winning.

I reach Mr. Ramsay's class room and turn around to gloat, not seeing the speeding Pete running towards me. Not only did he run towards me, he ran into me, causing us both to fall do the ground.

He lands on top of me, pushing himself up on his elbows so all his weight isn't forced on me.

"I kinda like this position" he smirks suggestively with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

I can't tell if he's joking or not...

I roll my eyes at him, before pushing him off of me. "What? You couldn't win so you decide to take me down with you" I chuckle, Pete joins in before helping me up.

"We- um...we should get to class"

"Oh, yeah" I agree sheepishly, recovering from him landing on me.


Lyrics from "Toy Soldiers" by Marianas Trench

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