Thanks For The Memories, Even If They Weren't So Great

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Pete's p.o.v

"Get out!" I yell through gritted teeth.

"Come on, baby" he takes off his mask stepping closer to me "Aren't you happy to see me?"

"Leave. I don't want you here, or anywhere near me, and stop calling me stuff like that" I take a step back from the taller boy.

"Come on Pete, you know you want me" he says with a smug smirk, taking another step towards me.

"No! I want nothing to do with you, go away Mikey" I push the bleached blonde back slightly, he's getting a little too close for my liking, but just being in the same room with him is too close so...

(I know people are gonna comment and be like "why is Mikey always the bad guy?" But it's just a tradition in this fandom, just like Oli is usual the bad guy in Kellic and Jalex stories. sorry for making you the bad guy Mikey, I love you.)

"You're little boy toy doesn't have to find out" he insists smugly, moving closer.

"One, back the fuck up. Two, my "boy toy" is named Patrick, and he's my boyfriend" I explain, putting air quotes around the word 'boy toy'.

"Yeah right! no way is someone like that going to lock you down" the taller boy scoffs.

"What do you mean someone like that?"

"Well, we both know the guys you've been with" he smirks. "Tall, Skinny, toned guys... People like me" he chuckles to himself before continuing. "He most have a huge c-"

"We haven't had sex" I blurt out, stopping him from his sentence. I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear anything from him. I just want him to shut his pretty fucking face that I hate, and leave me the fuck alone.

Mikey looks at me shocked, eyebrows raised. "Then why are you with him?" He asks smugly.

"Because I like him" I yell, louder than intended, but I can't help the fact that I'm angry. No one gave Mikey the right to walts his way back into my life and insult my boyfriend like that, of course I'm gonna be upset.


I swear this man is testing my patience.

"Mikey, I'm not having this conversation with you" I growl (not literally that would be weird)

"If you tell me, I'll leave"

I sigh loudly, running a hand through my hair "fine" "I'm with Patrick because I love everything about him, his laugh, the way he blushes when I talk to him, His smile that show off his cute little round teeth, the fact that he's the most adorable thing I've ever seen, and when I look at him I don't think "I wanna have sex with this man" I think "how did I get so lucky to have this man?" You see Mikey, not everything is about sex. Of course I think Patrick is sexy and yes, maybe in the future we will sleep together... But that's not the only thing I think about when I'm with him."

He just laughs, that's right he dares to fucking laugh at me after all that I've said.

" used to think the same way about me" he smirks, and it takes everything in me not to punch him in the face.

I grab him by the collar of his shirt, my hand balled around the dark Grey fabric. I pull him down so we're face to face. "don't you dare try to make this about you, I'm happy where I am and I don't need you coming in here and ruining it. Now leave!" I let go of his shirt, pushing him back slightly.

He tries to flatten out the wrinkles in his shirt that I created, but it didn't help at all.

giving me one last nasty look, he leaves in a huff.

I slump onto the couch, my heart beating fast. The door opens right away so assuming it was Mikey I yelled "GET OUT!"

"S-sorry" I hear Patrick stutter.

I leap off the couch rushing to stand in front of him. "No-no not you baby, I thought you were someone else" I explain in a hurry.

"Um...okay, well I brought you some chicken noodle soup to make you feel better" he smiles slightly.

"Thanks babe" I take the bag that I'm assuming has a bowl of soup in it, and sit on the couch, Patrick joining me.

I quickly take the soup out and immediately start digging in. I didn't get a chance to eat at the party, and I'm starving.

"Who was that guy I past on my way inside?"

I choke on my food, not ready to explain everything to Patrick yet. It's a long complicated story, that I would rather forget instead of retell and rethink about.


"I bumped into a blond guy on the way inside"

"Um...that's Mikey, he' old friend" wow Pete, way to not sound secretive.

"Okay, Pete what's really going on?" Patrick asks me seriously, done with my shit.

"What do you mean?" I ask, pretending not to know anything.

"Pete, I could literary hear you guys arguing from the hallway, and you've been acting weird lately. Please tell me" he grabs my hand looking into my eyes.

Who can say no to that face?

Fuck. I'm about to spill my guts to the pretty boy in front of me.


Lyrics from "Thnks Fr Th Mmrs" by Fall Out Boy (as if you didn't know)

Does anybody even read these captions?

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