Chapter 23 : Click With The Red

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"What?" Chase pushed Cam away, standing up so abruptly. 

"My mother's a what?" 

Chase filtered out Cam's confusion.  She was looking at Fetcher, "When did you find out?" 

He came sit down on the sofa, "Uh...last year Halloween?  No.  The year before." he said, "You did miss out a lot when you were in a coma." 

"Hello, Dad?" Cam waved his hands dramatically, "I did miss out a lot here and I wasn't even in a coma!" 

The lights started shimmering again. 

"Why didn't you tell me?  That Supernatural is actually real.  Demons are real.  It concerns me, too!" 

The lights shimmering stronger. 

Fetcher made a weird face, "You stop playing with the lights, kid!" 

"I don't know how!" Cam yelled as the lights went even crazier. 

Chase dropped back down into the couch.  She turned to Cam, holding his hand, "Calm down."  She looked at Fetcher, "Tell us everything." 

He nodded, "Of course." 

"But first thing first, we need to get Reign to wake up." Chase said. 

"But I really don't know how!" Cam got nervous again. 

The sizzling of electricity was suddenly loud enough to be heard. 

"Calm down!" Chase squeezed Cam's hand hard on purpose. 

Fetcher ignored them and called out, "Raziel!  Show yourself!" 

Chase made a noise.  She wasn't so pleased that Fetcher not once showed respect to the angel. 

"I am here." Raziel arrived without a dramatic entrance, no sound, no wind. 

Cam goggled his eyes, "Are you a magician?"  He stood up, approaching Raziel, yet still kept a distance. 

"I am not." Raziel turned to Fetcher, was about to say something when Cam asked another question, "Are you a witch, Dr. Whales?" 

"I am not." Raziel turned to asked Fetcher, "Why am I here?" 

Before Fetcher could speak, Cam spoke again, "Why are you shining?  Are you God?" 

The angel now put all his attention on the kid.  He was expressionless like always, "You can see my grace?" 

"You're a Castiel?" Cam's eyes went bigger, "Am I dreaming?" 

"I don't know." Chase sighed, "But I hope I am." 

Raziel was still staring at Cam, "My name is Raziel, not Castiel.  I am an angel.  What are you?" 

"Where is Dr. Whales?" 

"What are you?" 

"He's an offspring of demon and human." Chase answer for Fetcher instead, thinking that he might be too embarrassed to admit it. 

"Ah..." Raziel nodded, "A cambion.  No wonder." 

"A what?" Fetcher raised his volume and Chase took out a paper trash ball from her pocket, throwing at him. 

"Ouch!  Could you please stop storing all the things in your pockets?" 

"A cambion is an offspring of human and demon." Raziel questioned the kid, "Who is your mother?" 

"Joanne Bulford." Cam squeaked in a whisper like a rat. 

"I have never heard of her before.  It is probably not her real name." 

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