The moment

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... A cold thing touched him ... He knew the feeling and woke up from his half-sleep. There was a figure on the bed. She looked at him, mute and gorgeous. "Hello, Aro!" she whispered, consciously the Aro heard it. The breath stopped and his heart jumped out of the rhythm. He tried to figure it out. The siluette moved. She seemed to get closer. Aro tried to stand, but he could not move his legs out of fear. The Siluette leaned over him. "Aro!" she boomed again. "Nice name, you will never forget him!" said the voice. Aro could feel the breath. He smelled sweet and pleasant, not like anyone else smelt. The breath was very pleasant to almost become an addict. Then Aro shook his head "I dream!" he said, "No!" says the voice back ... "What do you want?" Aro was confused.

The figure pledged to his neck "blood" she said and bite. Aro screamed, but it ended in a gurgling. The figure drank his blood and he sputtered as it burned. The fire spread. At some point he became unconscious and drove in the light. He saw his sister, his parents, the figure and light. He sprung the e raised and then a strong wind. He howled loudly and was cold. But the fire burned him it spread, pulled from the neck to the arm. It was unbearable and hard to bear. He always whimpered. He noticed that he was lying on a bunk. His body was burning and the fire spread. He forgot the time. Just try to hide the flames. He did not succeed. He twitched and whimpered. Three days had already passed.

Slowly the pain took off ... He pulled himself together. He moved away from his neck to grow stronger in his heart. The flames were slowly concentrating more and more ... His heart ached and it still struck. His arms and legs were freed from pain, then followed the limbs and in the end was so much pain in the heart that it fought against the Giff. It still bounced once a couple times then a huge pain broke out again immediately disappeared again. The heart had given up. It had the poison nostrils. He lay there motionless, like stone.

He heard voices ... He felt the air ... She was warmer than he. Then he sprung the couch, she was made of cloth. He stepped in, a reflex he no longer needed, he smelled the individual substances, feces, urine, sweat, and also wood. Then he opened his eyes. It was dark but he saw it all. He saw bacteria, dust flying around and small spots on the walls. He straightened ... Suddenly he stood. He looked around in confusion. Then he saw that he was standing where he had just looked at the wall. He had been there within a fraction of a second, for which he would normally need at least 3 seconds. He looked at his hand. They were pale and felt cold. They were beautiful. He opened the door and stood in a hallway. The corridor was dark, clad in wood, and yet seemed very acceptable. There were pictures on the wall and they showed people, plants and animals. The corridor was lighted with candles and at least seemed to be more friendly than he was used to. He walked slowly down the hall, careful to know what he was doing. At the end he stood in front of two doors. He did not know which led to the outside but instinctively took the right one.

It led to a road which Aro did not know. It was dark and that was his happiness ... He realized that he was stronger and ran off. He did not care where, just out of Athens. After only 20 minutes, he had left the stadium behind him for a long time and ran through the fields and fields. As it grew brighter, he noticed that his skin was reflected and hid to not be seen.

He got thirst but waited until it was dark. He was looking for a victim .... He found a man in the forest, this camp and and was alone. The Perfect Victim. He bite into the flesh and noticed how the blood tasted ... It was warm, delicious and fresh. It had something metallic ... It tasted that this man ate fish rather ... Relatively eaten. The blood ran down his throat and he swallowed eagerly. When the man was empty, he did not want to go any further, so he ran to a farm and first took the wife, then the man and then the two children. His black eyes were slowly red. He enjoyed the view to the fullest. After this feast, he was full and he was looking for a hiding place to escape the day above the sun.

The following weeks, too, people lost their way in an inexplicable way or were found dead. When Aro heard a new kind of vampire, he finally knew what he was. He had become a vampire. He was alone. Then, for the first time after three weeks, and after his transformation, he tried to think of his Memelian past. He saw Didyme blurred in front of his inner eye ... And also his parents. His family ... He made the decision to write a letter again.

Love Didyme,
I have not written for a long time. As you know, I was looking for a job. That's why I have not been in the hotel for quite some time. I can not go back. No more. At some point you will understand why I left you alone with my father and mother. Do not worry. I am fine. Do not search for me or write me. I'll try to see you again soon. But I can not today and not tomorrow. Didyme, in the thought that I always think of you and always appreciated your love. Unfortunately, my love for you now has to come to a tragic end. Please believe me that I will come back some time, even if you perhaps do not reckon with it. Please never forget me.
In great love and thoughts: Aro Volturi

He was trembling as he wrote these lines quickly, but neatly. He thought of his letters. They were not long. He loved his sister and would never forget her. He was going to visit them sometime ... But he did not want to kill her and only get his thirst under control.

So he strokes the year through Greece to find his sister. He found out that she was happily married and had left all his letters. On the eve of the evening he looked at her with his last letter, and he read it over and over again. She would never give up the idea that he would write to her at least. But he had to deceive her ... He did not want to tell her about what had happened to him. She was to remain in the faith he had devoted to his work. As long as he did not have time to write her a single sentence. But after two months he left Greece. He knew she would never forget him. This reassured his conscience of something ... He roamed Europe in search of like-minded. He heard of Clans and their greatness and power ... His power struggled. He kept himself up in the woods, hoping for the companion to understand him.

Aro Volturi ~ mein Leben im Wandel | ~ My Life in ChangesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt