23.00 16 July

37 2 0

"I met her once and wrote a song about her. I wanna scream, I wanna shout it out. I hope she hears me now..." - Carolina, Harry Styles

The last hour of driving had been absolutely torturous for Townes. Harry Styles was sitting shotgun and playing some weird indie rock music that she had never heard before. She doubted that anybody had.
"Only eight more hours." She muttered under her breath. She hoped desperately that Harry didn't hear.

The music was suddenly turned off. In surprise, she looked over to her passenger. "You okay Haz? Oh shit. Is it okay I called you that?"

He giggled. She was starting to find that laugh adorable, not that Townes would ever admit it. "Yes it's fine, and yes I'm okay. You can turn something on if you want, it's your car."

"Silence is fine with me." She responds, putting her focus back onto the road. She didn't need a murder charge tonight.

"Why don't we play a game to get to know each other better?" Harry suggests.

"Of course you're one of those people." Townes sighs, shaking her head.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks, his forehead wrinkling in confusion.

"You want to play a 'games'? That's the corniest, most cliche thing I have ever heard." She laughs. He smirks at her before responding, "Just play Jones."

She rolls her eyes, smirking back at him. "Just because you asked so nicely Styles."

"My mother taught me well," he says, grinning fondly at the thought of his family for a moment. "Anyway, what's your favourite fruit?"

"Fruit?" She laughs loudly. "Fruit? That's your first question? Well alright then. Let's go with mangoes."

"Interesting choice." He says.

"Sure I guess. Favourite movie?"

"Easily, Love Actually."

"Ew rom-coms." She says, screwing her face up in response.

"Rom-coms are great!" He protests, flinging up his arms to help him prove his point. It didn't help. It just made him prove you can hurt your hand on a car window.

"Only you and twelve to thirteen-year-old girls can honestly say that."

"I am a thirteen-year-old girl thank you very much." He huffs.

Townes almost had to pull over to stop laughing. Slapping his shoulder hard, she managed to say, "Only you Styles. Only you."

After she was able to calm down, they went back to playing the game. That went on for a while before they both declared boredom and turned Harry's music back on.

Looking down to check the time on her dashboard, Townes smiled.
"11:11 Haz. Make a wish."

"Um, I wish for-" he gets cut off when Townes slaps her hand over his mouth before hurriedly saying, "Don't say it! It won't come true then."

He pokes his tongue out and licks her hand. "Ergh! That's disgusting Styles!" Townes exclaims, wiping her sticky hand off on his shoulder.

"Your fault you put your hand on my mouth!" Harry defends.

"I was saving your wish. You're lucky I did that, you could have wasted a perfectly good wish making opportunity."

He rolls his eyes at the lonely girl driving him to Orlando. She had turned her attention completely back onto the road again.

Harry knew she wouldn't open up to him easy. She seemed to have these secrets that no one else knew. He desperately wanted to be the first to know. He couldn't help but feel himself becoming more and more attached to the lonely girl he met at an old country diner a bit more than an hour ago.

If he was being honest, he had no bloody clue as to why he decided to go up to her. He had even less of an idea why he was currently sitting in her old car on a nine-hour car drive to Orlando to see Disneyland.
He was a popstar for god's sake! He wasn't really supposed to go on road trips to the other side of the country with people he barely knew.
Something about Townes was irresistible to him though. He wanted to know everything about her. He wanted to go to Disneyland with her. Hell, if she wanted to go to some weird sex dungeon, he wouldn't have disagreed.

Maybe some of the life choices needed a re-think...

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