18.00 20 July

34 1 0

"You know I'll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be..." - Moments, One Direction

Townes parked her old, beat-up car on the side of the road. They had arrived in LA. She had known since the beginning that she was going to take Harry here. That is if he wanted to stay after Disneyland.

They weren't in the centre of LA, oh no, far from it. They were at a nice secluded beach that had white sand and stunningly clear water that the sunset was hitting perfectly.

"After you Styles," Townes smilies over at her passenger.

The very cramped and stiff Harry stumbled clumsily out of the car and onto the grassy hill that met the beach. "It's beautiful Jones."

"I know. My grandma told me about this place. When she was young she apparently spent a good deal of her time here. No one really knows that it exists." Townes says, admiring the pattern the sunset was making on the water.

"To be honest with you though. I'm just glad I didn't puke." Harry admitted.

"You get car sick? You get bloody car sick but decided to drive around with someone you didn't know for long periods of time. Real genius you are Styles."

"I'm sorry? But yes I get car sick. It's kind of gross actually."

"Actually you know what? Can you please puke now? I'm sure your fans on eBay would love that. I could make a fortune!" Townes says grinning at her curly-haired friend. Harry just rolls his eyes at her antics.

The pair walk down onto the sand and sit down facing the ocean. Harry looks over to his beautiful companion, saying, "Tell me more about your grandmother. She sounds lovely."

"She is," Townes smiled. "She and my grandpa met in LA in a cafe I think. They had my mum and her sister before moving up to North Carolina, where they settled down. My mum was really close with her so I basically grew up in their house. She was a truly inspiring woman. She wouldn't back down from a fight and would always calmly retort anything that she didn't agree with. She raised my mum and aunt so well. And me really."

"She always gave the best advice. You know those people? The ones that just happen to spew pure gospel out whenever you need it? Yeah, she was like that. She's the reason why I'm moving down here soon. I'm moving away for college after my probably too long break. She encouraged me to do what was best for me. And then when she knew I needed to stop moping around her house she sat me down and firmly said 'You need to get up and live your life young lady. There no use for you being here. Go out and have adventures. Towns, you better swim before you drown."

"She sounds like a great person," Harry says, smiling at how Townes' eyes lit up while talking about her. He could tell how much she loves her just from her body language.

"Yeah, she is. I think she would love you." Townes says smiling at him.

"Me? Why me?" Harry says confused.

"Because you have not only accomplished what few do in a lifetime, but you have also managed to stay grounded while doing it. You stick up for what you believe in and you don't seem to care what people think about you even though I'm sure many people would if they were in your position." Townes explains.

Harry smiles at her, glad that she seemed like she knew him. She knew him better than most people and she had only met him a few days prior.

Townes stands up, tells Harry not to move, before going back to her car. She jiggles her key around in the lock before her trunk pops open. She grabs two of the beer bottles and walks back down to Harry. She passes him one before sitting down. "I hope you like beer. It's all I have."

"Thanks." He says, popping the lid off. Thankfully they didn't need an opener.

They lay back on the sand and watch the sun go down, sipping their beer, slowly getting tipsy.


After a few walks back to the car, they had both managed to run Townes' alcohol supply dry. Her supply was only a six-pack of beer and a bottle of cheap red. Townes was considerably more drunk than Harry. He had stopped after two beers, but in any case, they were both drunk.
On a beach.
In LA.
A long way from a motel.
And seriously thinking about sleeping in the car that night.

"Hey, Hawry." Townes' hiccups. "You wanna know somethwing Hawry?"

"Yes, Townes?" Harry laughs at his very drunk friend.

"You remind me of home. I'm not near my home. But you smell nice. Why don't all boys smell like you?"

"I don't know." He says. He notices that she had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He smiles fondly down at her.

Carefully standing up, as not to wake her, he picks her up bridal style. He walks up to her car and lays her down as comfortable as he can, across the back seat. He picks up the blanket she kept back there and tucks her into the makeshift bed.

He closes the door, before climbing into the passenger seat, tilting it back, and trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in for the night.

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