10.00 23 July

26 2 0

"Cause you were mine for the summer, now we know it's nearly over, feels like snow in September, but I always will remember, you were my summer love, you always will be my summer love..." - Summer Love, One Direction

Townes wakes up, wrapped in Harry's arms. She watched his chest rise and fall slowly, his quiet snores were the only sound in the room. She let her fingers trace the tattoos that decorated his body. The motion accidentally woke him up.

"Good morning," he said huskily in his morning voice.

"Hello sleepy head," she replied. She unwrapped his arms from her body and got out from under the sheets. She picked up Harry's shirt he had discarded the night before, wearing it as a dress.

"You look good in my shirts," he commented, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes. He got up and put on a pair of grey tracksuit pants he found somewhere.

They walked out of the guest bedroom that they stayed in and into the kitchen where Harry decided to make them scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast.

"What are we going to do today?" Townes said, sitting down on a stool at the breakfast bar.

"We could do all the touristy things. Go see the statue of liberty, the empire state building, times square. Anything you want."

"Sounds good to me," she said smiling at him, totally not checking out his ass as he cooked.

After they were dressed and fed, Harry and Townes made their way through New York. They decided to look at the Statue of Liberty later that day, at the moment they were in a car being driven to Bronx Zoo.

When they arrived, they walked up to the tickets booth where Harry purchased the tickets for them. "What do you want to see first?" Harry asks her.

"Sea lions," she said, leading him to the sea lion enclosure.

They watched the sea lions playing around with each other and swimming through the water. Next was the Madagascar! exhibit.


It was around 3 o'clock when Harry and Townes decided to go to McDonald's to eat a late lunch before going to the Statue of Liberty. They were sat down at one of the booths, eating their burgers and fries.

"Townes?" he says nervously.

"Yes Harry?"

"I have to leave tomorrow afternoon." he looks carefully at her face, trying to gauge her reaction.

"I assumed that you would have to leave sometime," she says quietly. "Not this soon though."

"I'm sorry love. It's just my management-"

"It's okay Harry. I understand. Just don't forget about me yeah?"

"Never." He says smiling at her.

They finish the rest of their food quickly, heading out the door to walk over to where the departure ferry gate was. They showed the worker their tickets and boarded the boat.

"I've never been to the Statue of Liberty before." Townes comments.

"Really? Why not."

"Never had the interest," she said, leaning into his side. He leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

When they arrived, they walked around Liberty Island, before going up the elevator to the crown. They looked out the window at the beautiful view of New York City. "This is amazing," Townes said to him. She knew they weren't dating, and that they were never going to, but she couldn't help but peck his lips.

He smiled down at the girl that stood hugged into him. "Mm. It is isn't it?" he smirked at her. "You're the better view though."

"You're so corny Styles," she said, softly hitting his chest.

"You love it."

"Shhh. No one needs to know," she says, smiling up at him.

The old lady across the room smiled at the pair. She didn't know their story, that he had to leave her behind the next day or how they even met. She did know that they would have made a cute couple, even if it could never work out. They reminded her of herself and her husband when they were younger, making her love them even more.


Townes woke up the next day in Harry's bed to him packing his suitcase.

"You really do need to leave today don't you," she said quietly. He stood up from where he was sitting folding clothes and walked over to her.

He cupped her cheek in his hand, whispering "I'm so sorry love."

"Can I come see you off at the airport?" she asks him, looking into his beautiful green eyes.

"I would love that." he goes back over to his suitcase. "Your flight back to North Carolina leaves half an hour after mine."

"Thank you for paying for this." She said gratefully to him, knowing that without his payments, she would have been stuck in New York for a while.

"It's the least I could do. Now come on. I have a small spare suitcase you can use to pack your clothes."


They were in a private room at the airport that the security led them to, the didn't need any fans or paparazzi accidentally finding out about them. There was five minutes until Harry's flight took off, making them need to say their goodbyes quickly.

"We'll stay in contact right? You have my number." Townes said checking. She never wanted to give this boy up.

"Yeah, we will. Maybe I can fly you out one day," he said, wrapping his arms around the shorter girl.

"Or I could pay for myself." she retorted.

"Sure love," he said laughing softly at her. He bows his head and joins their lips for quite possibly the last time.

They kissed with a passion, neither wanting to be the one that broke away, signifying that they were having to leave each other. Eventually, a member of Harry's security awkwardly entered, having to break up the pair. They hung tightly onto each other for the last few seconds they could. Townes slowly unwrapped her arms and stepped away from her best friend and sort of lover? She didn't know what to call him but she knew how strong her feelings were.

"Goodbye Styles," she said smiling as tears began to fall.

"Goodbye Jones," he said, kissing her cheek softly, before being led away onto the plane.

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