Chapter 4: Unsure

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I snap out of my flashback when Anthony waves his hand in front of my face. "Earth to Ian?" "Sorry..." I respond almost immediately. "What did you say?" I ask. "I said I'll be right back with an ice pack and some bandages," Anthony says before getting up.


I wonder what he was thinking...oh well. Anyways, I go downstairs and get what I need. Bandages, an ice pack, juice just in case. It seems like I have everything. I bet Ian's really confused. One minute I am beating him up and the next I am helping him recover. If only he knew....but he can't. I walk back to my room and set down everything on the table. "Anthony?" "Yeah?" "Ummm...I-I never really got around to asking you this but...." Ian took a deep breath. "Why did you tell everyone I was gay? Did I do something?" His questions make my entire face go blank. I didn't want to, please forgive me... Well...thats what I wanted to say. But I remained silent. Ian understood I didn't want to say anything, thats what I like about him. Well, thats one of the reasons I miss him. I miss him so much. Yet, right now if you ask him...we are enemies. 


Why can't he just answer me? Anthony puts an icepack on the side of my face. Exactly where his friends punched me. Anthony takes my arm that isbleeding and gently wraps a bandage around it. We both sit in silence until he breaks it. "I got you some juice," Anthony holds out a glass. "Thanks," I say before taking a sip. "You didn't poison it did you?" I joke. We both laugh. Wait...why am I making jokes with him. Out of all people...why him? Maybe I did miss being friends with him. Screw that idea. Anthony has so many friends he probably lost count. Out of all of those people, what chance do I have? While I'm over here completely alone. 


I can tell that Ian's starting to doze off. He probably can't even tell. I put a blanket over him and he cuddles into my pillow. "If you need anything just tell me," I whisper before leaving the room. Its not like I want to leave the room though. After I walk out the door, I start to close it but then leave it ajar when I see cute little sleeping Ian...wait did I just think cute? No-I can't possibly think of him that way...I mean...its just a compliment. Nothing more. Its not like I don't think about his attractiveness all the time. Did I think attractive? What the hell am I thinking? I just want to be friends with him again. Thats all I want. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a nice friendly relashionship. I close the door softly so Ian doesn't wake up. Am I actually falling for him? Yes? No....Maybe? 

(A/N) Sorry for the short chapter guys! I just had to get a couple of their thoughts into the story and thus this chapter was born. Anyways, if you have any ideas/requests, don't hesitate to put them in the comments/reviews thing underneath this story. Goodbye for now! ^-^

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