Chapter 47: Nightmares

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After that, we joked around and talked for the rest of the day (of course having breaks for lunch and dinner). Ian and I decided on me sleeping with him for the night. Just for tonight. At first I was worried about getting caught but Ian told me that he didn't care if that happened. He also said that if we do get caught then to act asleep because they won't want to wake us up. So, I agreed. Right now it's almost ten at night. The nurse said goodnight to Ian and turned off the lights while I hid. She just left. "C'me here," Ian says with his arms outstretched. I walk over to him and move a couple tubes out of the way so I can climb in next to him. I do so and he wraps his arms around me and I do the same. Shortly after that, I fall asleep right after saying "Goodnight."


My eyes flutter open. I? I look straight ahead of me to see....IAN? My eyes widen at the sight of him. He's tied up on a chair with duct tape on his mouth. We've been kidnapped. "Well, well, well," I hear a feminine voice say. Kalel. Probably the kidnapper. I pretend to be asleep and I hear a ripping sound of duct tape. "Classic," Ian says. "Hecox, I can't believe you never knew it was me," She sighed "Look where your stupidity got you." Anger rushed through me at that sentence. I want to scream at her. But I need to hear what she has to say. Then she told me her intentions. Kalel is deeply in love with me. THIS IS CRAZY! Kidnapping? Insane. That's when I heard it. A scream and then a stab. My eyes flung open. "IAN!" I yell. But nothing answered me. All of the life drained from Ian's eyes as blood was oozing out of him. I scream at the top of my lungs. How...can he be...dead? I cringed at my thoughts.,no,no,nonononononoNO!

~End of Dream~

I am woken up by Ian shaking me. "Are you alright?" Ian asks me. My eyes slowly open. I'm shaking like crazy and holding on to Ian tightly. "I-I guess," I stutter. Not really. "Sorry about that," I say (somewhat quietly) loosening my grip on Ian so he isn't suffocating.  "Bad dream?" Ian asks me. I slowly nod while my shaking goes down a bit. Ian sits up. "What was your dream about?" He asks me. " was like an alternate ending type-thing. When we were kidnapped and...Kalel killed you,"  I say 'you' very quietly. Tears start to form in my eyes. I've never almost cried over a dream before. Screw was a nightmare. "I'm not going to die anytime soon," Ian coos. "I'm going to stay here....with you. It was I won't die, you need to stop worrying. It's affecting your mental health," Ian tells me. "I'll try my best," I smile at him. Even though the room is dark, I can tell Ian is smiling too. "Goodnight Anthony....promise me that you'll stop worrying?" Ian asks. "Promise." With that word, I fell asleep almost instantly.


I slowly wake up to the sound of many footsteps. My eyes flicker open to see Ian, centimeters away from my face. I kiss his forehead and look over to the clock. It's around the afternoon. I should probably wake Ian up. "Ian...wake up sleepy-head," I say, shaking him. Still asleep. "Ian, come on it's time to get up," I say, louder this time. Nothing. Just the sound of the heart monitor and footsteps of nurses and doctors passing. "Ian?" I plug his nose, but he simply breaths out of his mouth. "Ian!" I almost shout. "IAN!" I scream. Absolutely nothing. Only the sound of the heart monitor that is giving me hope. The tears return to my eyes. He's not waking up. I carefully get up and run out to the hall as quick as I can. "Someone help!" I yell down the hall. Tears are streaming down my face. I grab the nearest doctor and pull him into Ian's room, pointing to him. "H-he won't wake up," I tell him. The doctor nods. "I'll be right back," He tells me "Hold on." The doctor rushes out of the room, while I run over to Ian. "Please wake up," I say. Nothing replies. My nightmare is a reality.

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