A Letter

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I was deeply into my dreamland, when suddenly the clock besides me, rang.

I startled a bit, and immediately smacked it.

It was a beautiful morning, when I felt a hand on my waist. A warm hand.

I smiled, and turned to my back. It was Jimin, my husband.

He was sleeping peacefully, his chubby cheeks, look so soft and made me pinch them so hard.

I kissed his nose peek, and he suddenly hold me tight.

My eyes got widened and I was almost shocked, thinking he was sleeping a second ago.

"Ss..Sshhh" he whispered in my ear.

Then he smiled with his cute puppy eyes that made me cringed silently.

"Babe, did you sleep comfortable last night?" He smirked.

I chuckled thinking that he is so pervert like the way before.

He hugged me so tight and nuzzled into my neck.

"Jimin stop it you have to go!" I teased. He sighed.

I changed into the casual clothes. I tied my hair roughly.

He was still groaning in his bed when I told him to get ready for work. He went to the washroom, and I went to the kitchen downstairs for breakfast.

Then, his phone rang. I called him, he was coming downstairs already.

"Jiminnie, your phone!!" I shouted.

"Coming jagiya... who is it this morning??" He answered.

He picked up the phone.

"Anneyong!.... ohh.. jungkook ssi... yahhh... where the hell have you been??? You brat!!" He was claiming out of joy.

I smiled, when he looked at me and winked.

"Ohh.. you're in Busan?? Really... and you are telling me now.. meet me at 4:00. I will be in my office. Take care."

We were having breakfast, when he told me that jungkook is in Busan, for some business meetings. Hope so, he will come tonight.

"I'll inform you, if he would come..." he said.

I hold him his car keys, and he kissed my forehead, waving he went to the car and was gone.

I was alone at home, so I decided to make some mochis for him as he likes them so much. I started preparing.

The door bell rang. I looked up and went to the main door. It was a post man.

"Mrs. Park??" Post man asked me.

"Yess??" I answered.

"Ma'am it's a letter for you... please sign it" he gave me a letter and showed me the paper to sign it.

I signed it and locked the door.

I was wondering that whom has wrote me a letter. Thinking curiously, I sat on a chair and tear the envelope from the top. I opened it.

"I'm back darling... hope you waited for me so long... now just you and me.. I'm coming to you soon ...
- your best friend "

I was shocked at the moment, the flashback of old times, the shiver of fear ran across me.

I wasn't in my senses for a while, and became really frightened. I gulped.

Why is he back now?? What he wants now?? Afterall...

I smacked the letter on the table, and get back to my work to divert my attention, but I was still worried.

I was thinking deeply about the letter again, when suddenly my phone rang. It was Jimin.

"Ann...neyo..Ong" I stammered.

"Jagiya?? Are you alright?? What happened to your voice?? I'm coming are you ok??" He interrogated.

"I..Imm fine, don't come... I..I mean, I know you're busy and you have to do a lot of work... I don't wanna disturb you.. I'm fine baby... don't worry.." I assured him.

"Ohh .. ok... well... I wanna tell you that jungkook ssi is coming to our house tonight, please arrange some dinner for us.. babe" he said.

"Okay... I'll make dinner, don't worry.." I answered.

"Okay then... see you tonight... bye darling.." he hung up.


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Doing some editings, dont worry it wont change the story. Just correcting mistakes and changing story writing style.

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