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Don't do this please...
   The words were echoing in my ears, when I rate woke up from sleep. I widely opened my eyes, and stood up. I was already changed into night suit. I looked aside, but Jimin wasn't there. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. I looked up into the mirror, I saw those wounds. I applied spirit on them, which was so hurting. I washed my face with ice cold water. I tied my hair in a rough bun, when I saw that dress hanging behind the door. I was walking through the corridors, when I suddenly plopped into something hard. 

"What the--" I was about to shout. It was Jungkook, drying himself with towel.

 "Ohhh.. you're up??" He looked at me.

 "What are you doing here???" I interrogated.

 "Look, Please stay away from me Jimin would never spare you..." I was stepping back. 

"Wait.. I didn-- " he was telling me something. I was about to ran when he suddenly grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall.

 "Where are you going??? You can't run from me, even if you want to..." he smirked.

 "If you move any closer, I swear  I'll kill you..." I threatened him.

 He was moving closer.

 "Don't you dare..." I was scared.

 "Haven't you thought?? Why am I here?? Instead of Jimin??" He asked me, huskily.

 "Where is he?? Tell me.." I yelled at him.

 "No where..." he whispered.

 I pushed him away from me, looking for Jimin. I ran to call Jimin, in my room. He ran after me and suddenly snatched my phone from my hands.

 "Don't you.. he is out of city for two days... don't disturb him... I'll take care of you..." he smirked while putting my phone in his pocket.


Jimin woke up early, when he received a phone call from jennie... she told him that he had to go Daegu for some business issues. Kim was sleeping already. He dressed up and packed his luggage. He was worried for Kim, so he called Jungkook to come at his place for Kim, as he is going out of the city. Jimin told Jungkook to take care of her, as he trusts Jungkook because of their best friendship. Jungkook told Jimin not to worry about her, he'll take care of her for sure. 


I was cutting vegetables, when I saw Jungkook was leaving house atlast. I ran upstairs to call Jimin. As Jungkook already taken my phone with him, so I called him from the landline. He picked up.

 "yeah baby?? Are you o--" I cut him off saying, "where are you??? Why did you left without telling me... how could you do this?? And why did you called Jungkook to come over... Jiminahh... please come back... I need you.." I bombarded questions on him. 

"Jagiya... Jungkook will take care of you.. I had to go... I'm sorry I didn't told you.. cuz you were sleeping.. I didn't want to disturb you..''He tried to comfort me.

 "But --... " I was just saying something when he cut me off saying,

 "baby... I'll talk to you later... I had to go.. take care bye.." he hung up. I was startled...

 " I should have to tell Jimin, whether it would be so late. Jungkook will ruin us.." I thought to myself.


Before heading to Daegu, Jungkook met Jennie at Jimin's office. She called Jimin and told him about the business trip. Jungkook left.


Jimin was busy in his schedules, when Jennie went to him and suggested him.

 "sir, you may have take some rest.. I'll take care of everything.. don't worry "

Jimin was already tired and decided to sleep for a while. He drove to the hotel, where him and the other staff members were staying. He went to sleep.


I was doing dishes, when I felt someone grabbing my waist. I was about to turn, when he held me tight and rested his head on my shoulder.

 "Why are you so rude to me?? BEST FRIEND.." He was Jungkook whispering in my ear. I hit my elbow in his stomach, to make myself free from him.

 "Ouch.." he coughed.


 I ran upstairs to my room and locked it right a way. I sticked my back to the door. 

 "why... why ... why????? Jiminahh... where are you??? Please come, I need you... I want to tell you about this all... he is not our friend anymore.. he is hurting me, please come back..." I thought to myself, crying.

 I sat down on the floor, put my head in between my knees and thinking about the good days we spent with each other. It was hurting, the more I think about those memories. I didn't loved him, from the very first day. Infact, he was my best friend, with whom I could share my feelings. I looked up, cutting off those memories, and went to the bathroom to change myself into night suit. My room was still locked. I lay on the bed and put my blanket over me. Looking at the door, I sighed thinking that Jungkook will not come over. I went to sleep.

            I was sleeping in my bed, when suddenly I felt someone on me. I slowly open my eyes, it was Jungkook again. I was startled, about to shout when he put his hand on my lips so tightly, that I couldn't even breath.

 "I've waited for this night, for so long... now everything would be fine. I'll be yours tonight and I will take your every single breath inside you..." 

I tried to make myself free from him, but I couldn't. I was helpless. I was tearing, thinking about Jimin. But, Jungkook was taking over me. I was screaming, but nobody was there to help me, make me free from that devil. I was shrieking in pain. He didn't even think about me. It felt like he had forgot all those memories and he had come only for ruining us.I had to cop with him, as I wasn't strong enough to stop him. My heart was struggling to beat. The night went on like this. I was fainted, when he was done with me.

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