A Guest

201 14 4

I was making bed, when the door bell rang.

I smiled secretly, thinking that it would definitely be Jimin.

I ran towards the door and opened it excitedly. But, when I opened the door, there was no one.

I got confused... then I slammed the door thinking it might be just my vision.

I turned to my back, when I saw a man wearing black mask in front of me.

I was really scared, my mouth was bone dry out of fear.

I tried to escape from there, but he grabbed me with my hair and strangled his arm around my neck. I was helpless.

I couldn't scream even for help. "Don't do this please..." he whispered in my ear.

The glass beside me fell to the ground.

I startled, "omo..." I rate wokeup from sleep.

"What was that about??" I thought to myself.

"I'm thinking about that so much... " I shooked my shoulders.

"Where is Jimin!! Lemme call him... " I thought worriedly.

"Jiminahh... where are you??? You aren't at home this time... are you okay?? I'm really worried. Ohh... okay just wait.."

He told me to open the door, as he was already there. I opened the door, Jimin and Jungkook were standing in front of me.

"Ohh.. Jungkook ssi... Anneyong hasseyo..!!" I greeted him. He bowed me too.

"Let's go in.. jagiya.. have you made dinner?? I'm really hungry already." Jimin asked me patting my head lightly.

"Yahh.. give me that.. go freshen up.. I'll make dishes.." I hold his bag for him.

"Umm.. Jungkook ssi you may have a seat.. please come.." I walked with him to the lounge.

"Nice house.. Kimsoo you have changed a lot.." Jungkook tell me while looking all around.

"But you haven't changed at all.. " I frowned.

"I..I.. mean... you look good.. and yahh...Thank you... it's just all because of Jimin.. " I replied, smiling.

We had dinner.

"So.. Jungkook..ahh.. how was the meeting??" Jimin asked Jungkook.

"Yeah.. it was really good.. obviously I am Jeon Jungkook, how could they even refuse me??" He replied arrogantly.

Jimin faked a smile.

"Kimsoo.. can you please pass kimchi?" Jungkook asked me.

" yeah.. sure!!" I replied, handing him Kimchi.

"I better gotta go.. it's night already.. " Jungkook went to the door.

"You can stay here.. instead of staying at the hotel.. I told you before.. but you ..." Jimin complained while hugging him.

"No.. its just okay.. I can manage.." he replied.

Saying this, he went to the car and was gone.

Don't do this please...

The sentence was still echoing in my ears.

"So... how was your dayyy..." he hold me bridal style.

"I made mochis for you.. but you weren't home .. I thought we would eat them together" I tell him, in down tone.

"Baby.. I was with Jungkook.. and you know better about him.. he is just a BRATT!!" He replied frustratedly, while walking through the corridors.

THE INSECURITIES | P.jm ✔  (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now