Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Here we go again ... the plot bunny just couldn't stay away. Persistent little fucker. Originally, this began as a dream. When I woke up, I wrote down as much as I could, but it's morphed into something different.

Anyhow, up next will be the last of Bella's hospital stay and determining what to do after her release. Plus, Edward and Bella have to have a conversation about where to go from here ... is it too soon to move in together?

Chapter Twenty-Eight

By the end of the week, Bella was released from the hospital. Things were still up in the air as to where she was going to stay, but until she had her final appointment with Dr. Denali in about two weeks, she'd be staying with Carlisle and Esme, along with Edward, her father and Jake. Also, Edward's parents were driving down to Portland with Edward's car, which he'd left on the I-5 on his way to Harborview.

Esme, however, was a godsend. She had taken some time off to help Jake acclimate to his new surroundings. He'd be going back to school after Thanksgiving, which was in a week. Everyone was coming down to Portland to celebrate the holiday, including Alice, Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. They were anxious to hear how Bella was doing and wanted to give her an update on what was going on in Seattle.

When Esme wasn't helping Jake, Esme was slowly rebuilding Bella's meager wardrobe. Edward was bankrolling Bella's makeover and Bella vowed to pay him back once she got back on her feet, both literally and figuratively. Edward arched a brow, shaking his head. While Esme was out shopping with Edward, Bella was at the house, hanging out with Carlisle, Charlie and Jake. She was reading one of the many books her father had picked up for her while Jake was schooling Carlisle and Charlie in the finer art of playing Nintendo Wii. Bella's cell phone, which had been replaced by Edward, started ringing next to her. Sliding her finger across the screen, she answered it. "Hello?"

"Dr. Swan, it's good to hear your voice," said a relieved Dr. Volturi. "Edward was a mess."

"He still is a mess," she snickered. "But, then again, so am I. How are things in Seattle?"

"Slow-going," he replied. "Demolition of the remaining structures of Harborview have begun. They're talking about not reopening. The loss of revenue ... it's too great."

"What does that mean?" Bella whispered. "Do I have a job?"

"The uncomplicated answer is no," he replied and the sadness creeping into his tone. "The staff members who have tenure and seniority are being offered positions in other university hospitals. The most recent hires, including you and about two hundred other staffers, are not getting the same offer. Technically, you're still on your probationary period until January first. However, due to your heroism and valor during the quake, I've fought for you. You will receive your salary until one year after the quake as severance. Plus, we're still keeping you on the university insurance."

Bella's heart dropped. She was homeless, unemployed and just lost. "Okay," she said woodenly.

"I know my son would love to have you work for him in his office," Dr. Volturi stammered.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said. "I've got to go. Any further phone calls ... just ... don't ..." She hung up the phone, stuffing it into the pocket of the plaid pants she wore. Picking up her crutches, she hobbled to the room she shared with Edward and curled up on the bed, her tears spilling over onto her cheeks.

Across the city, in a large Nordstrom's, Edward's cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his jeans. He frowned, seeing Aro's number flash across the screen. "Masen," he said brusquely. "Aro, if you're asking me to come back to help ... I can't ..."

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