Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Here we go again ... the plot bunny just couldn't stay away. Persistent little fucker. Originally, this began as a dream. When I woke up, I wrote down as much as I could, but it's morphed into something different.

So, they made love. First time since the earthquake. And to put a date on this, we're in mid to late March-ish. Up next will be Bella finally moving into her apartment, christening of her bed and starting in the OHSU PICU. And as I said earlier, we're getting closer to the end. I don't know how many chapters are left, but the end is in sight.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

The next morning, Edward and Bella slept in late. They'd made love several more times during the night, desperate to feel each other and reconnect as a couple. When the alarm went off, they both grumbled, but were thrilled when just a few moments later that the delivery guys, scheduled to deliver Bella's bedroom set and mattress, were delayed by some traffic accident and wouldn't make it to Bella's apartment by early afternoon. So, Edward reset his alarm and they fell back asleep, snuggled in each other's arms.

After they woke up, Edward took Bella out to breakfast and they went grocery shopping. She had some groceries, mainly snacks for her friends who had helped her, but not everything. When that was done, they unloaded the groceries and Edward helped organizing Bella's bedroom and bathroom. While they were working, Rose sent a text saying that she was called back to Olympia to fill in for a sick coworker. Alice and Jasper left with Rose and Emmett, driving back up toward Seattle. The bedroom set arrived a couple hours later and they made the bed together. "I can't wait to mess up these sheets with you, Dr. Swan," Edward growled.

"Me neither, Dr. Masen," she said. "But, dinner isn't going to make itself."

"I'd rather feast on you," he said, tossing the pillow onto the bed and pulling her onto the bed. She shrieked, giggling as he kissed her neck. "I'm sorry, baby. I had my taste of you and now I can't get enough. Making love and seeing your naked body ... it's fucking tempting."

"As tempting as you are, Edward, my body is sore. You and your super cock," she said, brushing his hair back. "I've used muscles I haven't used in almost six months, baby. I want to mess up these sheets with you. I really do, but my hips, legs and pussy are killing me."

"I'm sorry, gorgeous," he frowned. "How about a massage after dinner?"

"That sounds absolutely heavenly," she smiled. "Now, come use your surgical skills to help me cut up the veggies for the salad. Let's dissect a cucumber."

"I'd rather show you my cucumber," he laughed, shooting her a wry look.

"You can show me your cucumber after you massage my legs. I promise you a hell of a blowjob, baby," Bella sang. She slinked out of the bed and hid a grimace as she left him in the bedroom. She pulled out makings for gluten-free chicken fajitas. Chopping the onions and peppers, Edward ambled out and kissed Bella's neck. He took out the salad ingredients and began making the salad.

While they worked, Bella asked about the hospital and the newest schedule that Edward was piloting in the emergency department. It was something that had worked when he was doing his medical school training at Johns Hopkins. If it worked in the emergency department, it would be spread to other departments, such as the ICU, PICU, SICU and NICU. It was a two-week rotation of twelve-hour shifts. Two weeks would be on day shifts, with the following two weeks would be night shifts. With those shifts, everyone would be working three days a week with four days off. The productivity in the ED was improving and it led to sharper doctors, nurses and nurse's aides.

After dinner, Edward did the dishes and massaged his girlfriend's back, shoulders and hips. She repaid him in kind with one hell of a blowjob, as promised, making him explode with pleasure. Edward stayed the rest of the weekend, going to work from Bella's apartment.

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