Chapter 16 - Mother finds out

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hehe, ye sorry, I originally had chapter 15 as much as 16 did but wattpad was bein a lil ass and wouldn't allow me to have over 1000 words I dunno why it deleted it every time I typed so sorry :/ ENJOY THE CHAPTER GUYS ILYSMMMM

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**Savannah's POV**

She stared at me, the room is getting cold with her present. I look down and rub my arm and walk through her, having her disappear then reappear at the foot of my bed. Her eyes are sharp with hurt, and tears.

I sit in my chair by my desk and lay my head down. Her hand touches me. Cold as ice, and as dead as a I pick up my head and look at her.

"Em, I'm just I want to move on can you just move on, please? Move on from this." I ask her, She looks down and walks around the room. She picks up a picture of us at the beach last year. A smile spreads across her face, as I flush with embarrassment. 

Last Year, I remember when we went to the beach. It was- I pause the memory as em places it down and starts to break down. She glances over at me.  

"Savannah, I need to tell you what happened that night, Savannah please" Emily pleads, I tilt my head over to the side and look out the window. I look at her and sigh. Tears fill my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away.  Emily looks up and a tear drips down her face. I feel it coming to my heart breaking into a million pieces.




My heart shatters and I break down into tears Emily does too. We stop crying for a minute and look at each other. I want to yell and be angry with her. Tyler, the world, and everything that happened that night. I knew Kris was bad news, and so was Tyler, but Tyler killed her?

Not only that but raped her too?

Killed and raped, by someone who is not in jail at all. Emily deserves justices, that's why she's here. I calm myself down at look at her.

"Em is that why your back?" I ask I pause for a minute my mom has her eyes wide open as well as her mouth as if to scream. 

Emily tries to poof away but she can't. Then everything is dead silent. As dead as the trees out back.

Then a scream, it's not me, it's not Em.

It's my mother.

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QOTD: " I fight for love, and justice" - Wonder Woman/Diana


OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GUYSSSS thank you so much for over 100+ VOTES and 120+ FOLLOWERS AND OVER 840+ READS IN 24 HOURS HOLY CRAP THANK YOU!!!!! ILYSMMM please go support my other books since very soon this one is ending :'( buttt a sequel might be out ;D

ANYWAYS GO CHECK OUT BLITZ, Cursed From the family name, and the lost daughter (coming in 2018) SO YEEEE

GO SUPPORT!!! LOVE YOU GUYSSSS *internet hugs"

edited: 12/20/17


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