Light goes to Dark

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"Oh yah this is gonna to be fun!" Bart Simpson said grabbing his skateboard and running to a ramp and got a running start. He loves doing this sport it's what keeps him entertained besides Pranking. Bart can do anything his heart desires "COWABUNGA!" He yelled one of his catchphrases he jumped,kicked and landed on the ground safely "oh my god that was the best experience of my life" suddenly two huge kids walked up to him "Wow kid that was impressive no one can be able to top that except for YOU we're so impressed" Bart grabbed out his hand "I'm Bart Simpson" one of the tall kids reached out his hand as well "Shredder" Bart had wide eyes "That's such a cool name!" Shredder then looked behind him "Hey Bart can you try and ride that ramp over there it's big and spiky and you really need to take a crack at it". Bart looked at the ramp and gulped "uh I'm not sure about it I really don't want to get hurt". Rocky another tall kid poked him in the chest "OH MY GOD! Bart Simpson the master of skateboarding afraid to do a little ramp were you LYING to us about the super duper amazing move?! Because we were going to let you in the group but I guess we can't" Bart felt embarrassed he does need to man up "HEY I CAN BE ABLE TO DO IT I WAS FAKING IT I CAN DO IT JUST YOU WAIT!" He walks over the ramp looking down at it can he really do it? He looked back at ramp then his friends he took a deep breath and flew high into the air "GUYS I-I-I AM DOING OH MY GOD I AM REALLY DOING IT THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY-" He looks down at the ground he knew it wasn't gonna end well "AHHHHHHHHH" He yelled as he fell to the ground it was then silent and for Bart Simpson everything started turning to black. Rocky looked up at his friend "Oh my god we killed him!" Shredder  grabbed his friends shoulders "Relax we didn't kill him it was an accident he'll be ok I swear" he walked to his friends laying body "Bart are you ok?speak to me man he shook his shoulders PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD BE ALIVE!" Rocky noticed a car in the distance "uh Shred you might wanna look at this" a car then pulled up to the entrance of the skate park "Relax bud it's probably not his parents" "Bart Sweetie it's time to come home!" His mother's voice said. "We are in so much trouble" They looked At each other they didn't know what to do with this so "Hey mom look at those two kids and is that BART?" Lisa said pointing at them "CRUD THEY SAW US!" Rocky screamed "THEY ARE COMING AT US!!!!" Shredder assured him "Relax there probably thinking of  another kid named Bart I mean it's a pretty common name"  Rocky was not amused "WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE HERE AND THEY WERE POINTING AT US!" Shredder looked at they young 10 year olds angry parents "We are so dead!" Marge immediately said "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE?" She ran over to Bart laying down not breathing "OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SON? WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU HE IS THE SWEETEST PERSON IN THE WORLD AND YOU JERKS DECIDE TO KNOCK HIM OUT COLD?" Homer ran to those kids and poked his finger in their chest "Listen her buddy and listen good no one makes my wife cry or hurts my son you guys better leave now for your own SAFETY!". The scared kids ran fast. Homer walked over to his Wife who was holding her sons hand "oh Bart please be ok" She cried as she hugged his body she hated seeing him like this

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