Family Sticks Together

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Marge paced around the hospital waiting room they have been in the room for 5 hours now. She was getting worried about her only son. She tugged at her wrist "WHAT IF HE'S DEAD?" She suddenly blurted Out. Homer, Lisa and Maggie looked up at her with fear. Lisa immediately got up from seat "HOW CAN YOU SAY SOMETHING LIKE THAT THE DOCTOR SAID THAT HE JUST HAS A CONCUSSION HE IS NOT GONNA DIE AND WE CAN JUST MOVE ON WITH OUR STINKING LIVES!" She then fell to the ground and grabbed her pearls "I'm sorry I know this isn't like me I'm just really tired and I wanna go home but after I see Bart is ok sure he's an idiot sometimes but he's my brother and I love him" Marge kneels down and held Lisa to her chest "I know and it's ok I'm just freaking out right now you know how much I love Bart he's my first baby and I can get to attached" Lisa cried into her mom's chest "This is the scariest day of my life!" Homer joined the hug too and rubbed her back "It's a scary day for all of us sweetie but we are the Simpsons we can get through anything I promise!" They suddenly heard Maggie Cry "It's ok sunshine" Marge said walking to her baby who was sitting next to Homer "You know Your father is right we need to be strong for our son Bart would agree" They all nodded in agreement "Listen Lisa, if you wanna come home I'll bring you home" Lisa got up and wiped her tears "You know what Dad I think I'll stay we should be here for Him"
Homer rubbed the back of his head "Remember the time when me and him were on that boat to fix our relationship" Marge, Lisa and Maggie laughed at that fond memory "Remember when I kept following him around to think he stole a bulldozer and he really did" Marge said smiling. Lisa Stood on the chairs "And When I gave  him that restraining order". Homer walked over to his wife and put a hand on her shoulder "and the time when we thought that he was a sociopath and we sent him away" Marge and Homer laughed at that memory in fact they all laughed at the stuff the did with Bart sure he was a crazy, obnoxious, berserks, Wild, Child but deep down Bart was a Nice, Sweet, affectionate Child. They all knew that everything is going to be ok. Hours passed and it was now nighttime Maggie and Lisa fell asleep while their parents were looking at photos of their son "That was when we took him on that roller coaster ride after he ate that cotton candy" Homer said smiling. Marge laid her head on her husbands shoulder "It's been hours but at least we all kept our heads up". Homer kissed Marge's Forehead "I'm glad you did". The doctor walked up to them "Hello Mr and Mrs. Simpson sorry for the long wait but we got some info but we got some info on your son's injury and I'd like to talk to the both of you in another room" Homer nodded "ok hang on" He walked to Lisa and shook her a little bit "Lisa me and your mother will be going to another room do you mind watching Maggie?" The 8 year old nodded and fell back asleep. The three Of walked to one of the hallways "Your son will be fine it's just there's something you should definitely know about him" Marge tugged at her necklace "is it bad" Dr. H quickly assured her "No no it's not bad it's just when he stuck that he hit his head too hard and it sadly caused him to suffer amnesia". Homer and Marge  looked at each other " wow our special little guy can't remember a thing" Homer looked down "Can we see him?" The Doctor looked at them "Sure I think he's up for visitors" Marge smiled "Perfect! I'll get Lisa and Maggie" She speed walking through the hallway. She eventually found her two daughters sleeping with Maggie in Lisa's Lap Marge quickly grabbed her phone and took a picture and slowly walked to Lisa "Sweetie! Bart's ok he's ready for some visitors c'mon let's go!" She said. When they got to the door "Ok When we opened that door we should be quiet and not cause and racket" Homer slowly opened the door. They were all relived to see their son standing straight up in bed "Hello Bart How are you feeling?" Marge said first "Are you ok?" Lisa said "I'm so glad my son is ok!" Homer said. Bart smiled at what the said but he just had a weird look on his face "That's really nice but I think you have the wrong room" He said. Lisa was confused "No no we are in the right room we are your family you need to know who we are is this some kind of prank then I'm not falling for it" Bart still looked at her with confusion "No seriously who are you?" Lisa welled up with tears and ran out of the room "Lisa wait!" Marge said. She found her young daughter sitting down in the hallway "How is he remembering us I'm not following for his prank!" Marge rubbed her thumb against Lisa's arm "well about that he's actually not kidding he's has memory loss he can't remember anything for a while" Lisa looked at her mother with furious eyes "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT BEFORE I WALKED INTO THE ROOM AND NOW I WISH I DIDN'T she said running off "Ugh Lisa come back" Marge had tears falling down her face "I really should have told her earlier" she walked back into the room rubbing her arm "I'm sorry about that" Bart looked at his parents "Who was the girl?" He said. "Oh that's Your sister Lisa she's not usually like this" Marge sat next to her son "and I'm your mother you still look beautiful as the day you were born best 53 hours of my life ever" "I'm Bart Simpson who are you?" Marge laughed and kissed his forehead "I love you Bartie" "and that's your dad" She pointed "Oh Daddy Hi dad I'm Bart Simpson" Homer looked at his wife "I hope he still calls me that" Marge chuckled and snuggled next to her son she was happy that he was ok but behind that she was worried about Lisa. She was worried what Lisa with think of the temporary Bart

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