I Feel Like I Don't Know You Anymore

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Marge was worried about her daughter. she wasn't approving of her Lisa's new looks. After Bart came home from the hospital, Lisa was acting different and dressing like a gothic girl. Homer left the house with Maggie for a little bit, Bart was upstairs taking a nap and Lisa well she has been in her room for a long time so Marge decided to talk to her. She walked slowly up the stairs trying not to disturb Bart's nap. He had been sleeping a lot while he was in the hospital but he came home really tired so Marge told him to go his room and sleep. She knocked on her door "Lisa it's me can I come in?" Marge said quietly. She didn't say a word. "Lisa?" She asked again. Nothing. "LISA I AM YOUR MOTHER AND I KNOW YOU ARE HOME YOU BETTER OPEN UP THIS INSTANT" Marge was furious she was never the type of person to yell (well at Homer at least but this time it was different) Lisa threw open the door and ran back to her bed. "Lisa I just want to talk to you" Marge said. "What's there to talk about You know it's just gonna be crap like oh Bart doesn't know who he is and you should've told me right on the DOT" she said "Well I just didn't know you were ready for this kind of stuff yet" Lisa squeezed her arm in frustration. "Well I'm not a baby anymore and I am perfectly capable of anything but you should have told me in the first place and I am just going to stay in this very room until then!" Lisa said "Honey don't squeeze your arm like that it's going to hurt" Lisa grabbed her headphones "who cares NOT ME!" Lisa said. "I feel like I don't know you anymore" Marge muttered to herself. It's true though, Lisa used to be innocent and sweet and very thoughtful of others but now she doesn't know what she is. "HEY Mom give me a pack of cigarettes please?" Lisa said. Marge couldn't believe what she just heard her eight year old daughter wanting CIGARETTES? "LISA SIMPSON ABSOLUTELY NOT YOUNG LADY YOUR ONLY EIGHT AND I FORBID THEM IN THIS HOUSE!" Marge yelled she just wanted to punch her fist through the wall "Your sisters do it!" Lisa pointed out "and you don't even care!" "Well they're my sisters and Well..... that's just who they are I guess but NOT YOU!" Marge explained "Also give me a pack of bacon would you?" Lisa asked "I thought you didn't eat meat?" Marge said "that Lisa's gone! THIS is the new Lisa!" Lisa explained. Guess it's true Marge does not know her daughter like she used to "Well I'm just going to downstairs" Marge said. She closed the door and took a peek into Bart's room "Hi Sweetie how do you love it here on Evergreen Terrace?" She asked "It's a great home I love it here I heard you yelling earlier is everything ok?" Bart asked "oh it's nothing really it's me and Lisa arguring about stuff" Marge said defeated "Have you guys always argued?" Bart asked. Marge wasn't really in the mood to talk about Lisa but she didn't want Bart to get suspicious of her. "We've yelled about a few things in the past such as the time she wanted to go to Mars but I didn't want her to go but got REALLY mad when I went with her but we decided to drop out and quit and one time she wanted to go on broadway with a old singer but I didn't her to then but she ended up going and making me proud and then recently we fought out what we wanted to do for our graphic novel whiched turned out to be a play which again didn't go so well" Marge explained. Bart leaned back on the pillow "wow that's crazy but the end of those stories you always get along maybe you'll get along later" Bart said. Marge really hoped that would happen "we'll see about that" she said "now I have to go make dinner you could help me if you want" Marge added "Sure I'd love to help!" Bart said. The two went downstairs and began to make dinner. That Night, Marge laid in bed and began to think about her two children she has a son who can't remember anything and a rebellious daughter "Where did I go wrong as a mother?" Marge cried. The only kid she had left was Maggie her youngest daughter and she hoping that nothing would happen to her. Just as she was about to fall asleep she was woken up by headlights in the driveway it was Homer and Maggie. Marge's not even mad at him because it's 1:30 in the morning and she just wants to go to bed. Homer ran into the room and saw his wife standing at the foot of the bed with her arms crossed."Marge I can explain everything I took Maggie to the playground,then went to Krusty Burger and we saw a cute movie about a talking dog it was the cutest and then we went to Moe's and I lost track of time so I drove as fast as I could I may have ran into trouble with the police but I just brought Maggie home safe and sound and that's what happened" Homer explained quickly. Marge threw her hands in the air "I'm not even mad so don't worry about it I've just had a rough day" Homer squeezed her arm "Lisa?" Marge looked at her husband with tears in her eyes she slowly nodded "Bart too" Homer hugged her" I know Bart lost his memory and Lisa changed her style but their still our kids Bart will have his self back soon and we don't know how long it'll take but at least Maggie hasn't changed" Marge let her tears fall on Homer's shoulder she was lucky to have him as a husband "Thank you for saying that I needed that after the day I Had" Marge said "Your welcome and we should get to bed I'm very tired after the day I had with Maggie". As Marge climbed into bed, she stared at the ceiling tomorrow would be Bart's first day of school since his memory loss and Lisa had to show him around she was worried on how it would turn out "Good Night Marge!" Homer said Marge snapped out of her thoughts "Oh Good Night Homer!" She said as she fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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