Lisa's NightTime Struggles

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After what happened at the Hospital last night, Lisa couldn't STAND to look at her mother. She should know that she's not a baby anymore and can't be little forever and doesn't need to be protected. Homer drove his daughter home and promised that he's be back in the morning. Lisa stared at the ceiling grabbing her pillow to her face and softly cried herself to sleep she hated what was going on. Back at the hospital room Marge was holding her son's hand and softly stroked his hair "you are the most beautiful person in the world" Homer was in the cafeteria "Oh my god Marge You need to try these breakfast sandwiches they are so good!" "maybe later" Bart sat up in bed "Can one of you tell me who's the girl that came in here last night?" Homer grabbed a chair and sat next to his son " That nurse? Yep that lady was something ELSE!" Marge punched her husband in the back "HOMER!" She yelled "Oh right! Uh... Well um... ah... MARGE HELP ME!" She went to Bart and grabbed his hand "Listen I know you've asked that ten times but I really don't want to talk about what happened" She said starting to cry. Homer picked up his littlest daughter and left the room. That Night , Lisa kept tossing and turning she looked at her alarm clock: 11:30 PM it read. She knows she has school tomorrow but every time she closes her eyes all she can think about is Her older brother and her mother who kept things hidden. She got out of bed and walked to her memory book on her bedside table. As she looked through it she felt tears sting in her eyes. "This was back when everyone was happy" She whispers "Bart please be ok!" She looked up at the glowing moonlight shining on her bedsheets "I think I should get some rest".Lisa closed the book and turned to her side looking out at the beautiful moon and closed her eyes Everything was peaceful. She then woke up to the sound of the front door opened and their stood her dad holding Maggie in his arms "Lisa it's a school night what are you doing awake?" He whispered "I heard you walk in and I was just dozing off" she said coming down the stairs. "Oh ok. Oh Lisa sweetie while you're downstairs can you bring Maggie up to bed? I really need to get back to the hospital again." Lisa nodded and carried Maggie up the stairs and into her crib "Goodnight Maggie sweet dreams" She quietly said closing the door. She walked back to her room she really needed to get some sleep she can't be sleepy during school tomorrow. She was about to fall asleep again when all of a sudden "CRAP!" She yelled she threw off her blankets and grabbed her backpack witch was sitting next to the bed "I can't believe I forgot about studying for my big math test tomorrow!" She grabbed her books and began studying. She really focused on her work that she totally didn't care that Time passed. "Ah that's better now to go to bed and now it's only" Lisa looked at her clock she couldn't believe the time "2:00AM!" She said. Lisa ran back to the bedsheets and fell asleep with no distractions in her hands this has been the most stressful night of her life.

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