The old Lisa can't come to the phone right now

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The next Morning Lisa woke up and noticed that she overslept "Shoot!" She said looking at the time she threw off her sheets "I knew I shouldn't have slept late!". Lisa looked at her self in the mirror "or maybe I won't go to school today!" She smirked. She climbed back into bed and fell back asleep things were changing for the eight year old prodigy. Back at the hospital Homer was playing a board game with his son "aww six again? You sure you're not cheating?" He said tickling his son's stomach. Marge walked in slowly with a smile on her face. "Guess what honey? Your gonna come home with us later and see your sisters!" Marge walks to her husband "can you bring Maggie to your fathers?" Homer smiled "Sure sweetie! Bart I'll be right back I am going to get your baby sister Maggie and the we will take you home!" Bart clapped he was so excited. Homer grabbed his things and left leaving Marge with her thoughts. "So Mom What's my house like?" She walked to Bart and smiled "Well we moved when you were only two years old and at first you didn't like it but you ended up having a great time living there!" Bart nodded. He enjoyed trying to remember everything that happened in his small life "Wow that's amazing!" Marge kissed his forehead and heard her phone ring "Hello WHAT? I'm sure she left for school this morning she's never late for school ok I am gonna call him and see if she's there!". Marge was annoyed.  Lisa would never miss a day of school unless..... "oh that kid is in so much trouble!" She angrily called Her husband explaining what's going on "Homer is Lisa there?" She called. She sighed "I guess I can let her stay home today since Bart is coming home but she is gonna go to school tomorrow!" Marge said "Bart are you ready to come home?" She said with a smile. Bart nodded "Yes mom I am ready to go home!" Marge climbed on the bed to hug her son. He looked so happy. Marge may be overprotective with him but She loves him so much and always knows when to make him happy.

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