Bart Comes Home

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Homer ran through the door looking for Lisa. Marge had just told him that Lisa is cutting school but when he found out he was immediately frustrated with her. "LISA SIMPSON GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW WE NEED TO TALK YOUNG LADY!" He said angrily. But when Homer heard the door unlocked,  his jaw dropped at what she was wearing. Lisa was wearing black clothes and her hair dyed black "Oh father what do you want?" She said in a monotone voice "I WANT YOU TO TELL ME WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING AND WHY AREN'T YOU AT SCHOOL MISSY!" Homer said. Lisa sat down on the steps "You see old man I am No longer that sweet innocent perfect little Lisa Simpson everyone is looking for is sadly dead" "isn't that a song reference?" Homer said shaking his head. "Look the point is is that you are grounded until your mother comes home and when she sees this you're going to be in deep deep trouble". Lisa grabbed gum from her pockets "Ok YOU don't scare ME  and I'm going to keep wearing this because this is the real me" Homer had enough. "I'm gonna go pick up your brother from the hospital go to your room until I come home!". Lisa snarled at her father and walked upstairs slamming the door causing the pictures next to her fall "What happened to my little girl?" He said sadly. "And then she slammed the door and at the same time my heart shattered into a million pieces" Homer said driving Marge and Bart home "aww Homer I'm sorry you feel this way but I am definitely going to have a big talk with Lisa later if she lets me speak to her" Marge said looking out the window. When got home, Bart stood in shock at his house "wow I can't believe I live hear" Marge grabbed Bart's hand "let's go inside them shall we?" She said with a little laugh. "Wait up!" Homer said grabbing Maggie out of the car seat "I'm thinking we open the door together" he said walking up to the door "OH that's a great idea!" Marge said. They all put their hands on the doorknob and slowly opened up the door. "Here it is Bart your house Marge please give him the tour of the house while I go talk to Lisa" Homer said "ok honey let's start off with the living room". Lisa was listening to heavy metal music when she heard a bang on the door "Lisa it's your dad I'm coming in to talk to you" Lisa took out her earphones and opened the door "What?" She said in an annoyed tone "Look your older brother is home and when you have a moment please say hi and tell him that you usually don't look like this" Lisa rolled her eyes "I will say Hi but he won't remember this so I'm won't say it".Homer grabbed her wrist and walked downstairs "Oh my god Lisa!" Marge said.  "Woah Mama!" Bart said "Hey Bart I'm Lisa your younger sister Welcome to our home if you need anything I'll be in my room" and with that she pushed Bart and walked upstairs. "I'm sorry that was an accident" she yelled in a sarcastic tone. "Is she usually like this?" Bart said sitting on the couch. Homer ran his fingers through his son's hair "no I don't know what's gotten into her". Marge held her son tight "it's not your fault, she's been like this for a few days but please don't blame yourself" Bart jumped from the couch "Thanks I'll be fine can we please continue my tour of the house?" Marge grabbed his little hand "of course we can". They left the room leaving Homer alone. What was he going to do about his memory loss kid and a former sweet girl turned into a bad girl? There was only one kid to turn to: His youngest daughter Maggie. He walked to her room and picked her up from her crib. "Wanna have a Daddy Daughter filled afternoon?" He asked.  Maggie smiled "I'll take that as a yes" he laughed as he grabbed her baby carrier and went on their fun filled afternoon.

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