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A/n: all right I'm back on my computer and I decided I'm gonna write either on Tuesdays and Thursday or every other Tuesday or Thursday, so just comment what you want and I'll hopefully keep on schedule... anyways enjoy the story!


It's the night shift. I go up on the stage and get ready. I see that Bonnie and Chica have all ready got into their places. At 12:06 am, I hear Bonnie and Chica get off the stage and start to move toward the office. I turn toward Foxy's Cove to see Foxy peeking out of his curtains. I get up and go towards the shadows and start to do my evil chuckle. I hear a scream and Golden laugh, meaning the night guard has summoned Golden. I laugh again and hear Foxy run toward the office and bang on the door then walk back to his Cove. I go towards Foxy's Cove and then go into his curtains, chuckling again. I turn around to see Foxy staring blankly at me. "Foxy?" I ask, waving his hand in front of his hand.   "it's the same as always..." he says randomly and looks down. He then goes towards his curtain and peeks out, then goes back inside, frightened. "Uh Freddy, you okay?" He says randomly again, backing up. I step forward and look at his eyes. "Foxy?" I ask, getting worried. I see his eyes flicker, then go black. 'oh no not again'    I start to shake Foxy and he starts to panic and runs out of his cove. I run after him, worried what he's gonna do. He runs into the kitchen and locks himself into the freezer. "NO!" I hear Chica scream. I run toward the freezer and bust the lock. I go into the freezer to see Chica frightened in the corner of the freezer. Chica runs out of the freezer and I grab Foxy and start to shake him again. "it's time for a story" I hear him say in a glitched voice. "FOXY WAKE UP!" I scream at him and his eyes start to glow and then he screams.  He stares at me with fear in his amber eyes. He starts to look around and starts to panic again. "wh-why am I in here? What happened? What did I do?!" I make him focus on me and only me. "Breath Foxy, breath," I say, worry in my eyes. He stares in my eyes and I can feel him relax. "you're safe now, you're safe with me" I say and pull him into a (bear) tight hug.


(A/n: imma skip to when he starts to move...that's all bye) I get off the stage and move towards the office. I stand near the door and the light turns on and then the door shuts on my face. I peek through the window and I see Golden in the room and then disappear. I chuckle and walk away from the door. I go to the party room and stare at the camera. I black out for a minute and then come back, but in a different place. 'Golden...'  I thought and hear him chuckle. I turn around and see him sitting down. "Hey Golden, why am I here?" I ask him. He turns toward me and smiles sweetly. He gets up and teleports away, then teleports back, inches away from my face. "You're here because I want you to be here," He says cheekily. I back away a little bit, still close to him. His 'animatronic self' switches off and he becomes to his 'original self.' "Hey, Bonnie! what are doing here?" he asks, a little confused. "You teleported me in your 'animatronic self'" I say to him, trying my best to explain. "oh...sorry," he says, a little embarrassed. I go towards him and give him a sympathetic hug. He hugs me back and he looks up at me and smiles. "I can send you back if you want?" he asks me. "if you'll come with me..." I tell him and he smiles and I black out again. My eyes glow awake and I blink. I see the camera was off and I look around to see that it's around 4:30-5:00 am. I look down to see Golden hugging my waist.

A/n: Hey Guys! I hope you liked these perspectives and I hope it explains more of Foxy's freak out! If you want I'll do Chica's and Golden's perspective, but I hope you liked this chapter and ill either see you tomorrow or Thursday! That's all guys, Love ya, Bye!!

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