Coffee and Surprises

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    I huffed and turned the car off while Aliona rambled about my neighbor. "Why did you even say that to him?! He was being so hot and you were such a-" She got cut off by a dog barking in the car beside us. Wow, people really bring their pets to sit in the car. What if it jumped out the window. It's small enough. "Hey! Are you even listening?! This is why you can't get a man, Daisy!" Lion exclaimed unbuckling her seatbelt and throwing open the door. "I'm pretty sure me not gushing over the dude who lives next to me isn't a problem with the hotties," I say following her lead, but being gentle with my baby. "That might not be but this eye-sore is. Why don't you get Pops to buy you a new car."

    I turned and started walking towards the café. I heard Lion sigh and grumble under her breath. "Talking to yourself will get you weird looks, kid!" I yelled as I locked the doors of my car. She ran to catch up to me. As we got into the short line, I felt my phone vibrate a few times. Ugh, I don't have that many friends, so who could it possibly be? I checked my phone to see 4 new messages from my ex, Mark.

"Babe, I'm sorry. I luv u and u know that~ We weren't even doing anything."

"OMG, You're so stupid. She's like my fucking sister why can't u just listen to me."

"I'm sowwy. You know I didn't mean it, love. Please reply. I'll always love you."

"You're probably with that guy that lives next door huh. Bet you were sleeping with guys like him during our relationship, too."

    I replied with a quick, "Sure was. They were way better than you were :P" and looked up just in time to see that it was my turn to order.

    After Lion and I got our orders and sat down, I told her about the texts. "Why is he doing that? He was sweet back when you two dated?" She asked taking a sip out of her drink. I shrugged and said," I don't even know, girl. All I know is I'm done with it. I'm tired of him drunk texting me. I mean who gets drunk at two in the afternoon, anyway." I started eating my sandwich. "He's drunk?! Oh my gosh, what if he gets angry about what you said. You shouldn't have lied like that, Daisy!" Her eyes widened as she started moving her hands all over the place. Hehe, she looks so funny right now. I wish I could video her. "Calm down, Lion. If he wants a round with me, he can get it.... It just won't be the type of round he wants" I say as we started laughing. We continued chatting while we finished our food, then I dropped her off.

    After about 15 more minutes of driving, I was home. I walked up to my door and unlocked it. That was strange; I didn't feel the lock turn. My eyebrows scrunched together, as I pouted in confusion. I hung my keys on the wall and started walking to my room to set my bag down. As I passed through the living room, I looked to my left to see the light in the kitchen on. Did I leave that on last night? "Couldn't have... I ordered a pizza and ate it while I watched dramas in the living room," I whispered while slowly approaching the kitchen. I took my bag off my back slowly as I inched toward the kitchen. When I got to the doorway, I saw a male figure standing in my fridge. I gasped and dropped my bag. The tall boy turned towards me, holding a container of strawberries.

"Babe! I missed you so much!" He exclaimed as I freaked out. Not calling the police: Mistake. Number. Two.

A/n: Who do you think it is? Is it stalker ex Mark or hot neighbor guy that doesn't have a name yet lol.

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