Challenging the Cheshire Cat

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Cheshire Cat in the sky.

Why do you hang there Cheshire Cat 

Instead of the Lady Crescent Moon?

Is it to celebrate my minor victory, sly cat you are

Or are you here to cheer me up one moment

and then be a pain the ass the next?

Hmm? Mr.Cheshire Cat? Why are you here tonight?

Do you wish to see me as a drunken blumbering fool ?

That I am only a woman in deep despair trying to find her way out this madness.

If a pill is given to me by a rabbit in a white coat who seems to be a doctor in hurry for an important date with the Red Queen.

I can only give chase for so long before I become tired and winded

 So I rest on a giant toadstool where I ponder my thoughts

and question existence of every thing I know and wish for a stiff drink.

May I have a stiff drink Mr. Cheshire Cat?

May  have such a little stiff drink that wouldn't be noticed?

The pills have dissolved by now and is not affecting me. 

Let me partake in a drink of sherry or two and then I will take my leave, as if I was never here.

You may graciously follow me and smile to me from your perch in the sky Mr. Cheshire Cat, when you knw you are correct.

 But I think I can fool you for sleep will come easy 

but the rising of tomorrow may be a bit more difficult.

And you may win but I still want a fighting chance.

I say this to you Oh Sly Cat for I know how the deck is stacked

and I'm not feelin a single solitary thing.

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