(Writer's Note:I originally wrote this using Twitlonger for my Frigg account because needed to get it wrote down as the feelings quickly came. I then transcribed to here and wanted to tweak it but I put the copywrite symbol by Frigg and left it. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you.)
Betrayal comes in the darkness of the night
It hangs in the air
wanting to choke and smother
whatever little happiness one has.
As if Betrayal is saying:
"No! No you shall not be happy.
No you shall not be loved,
cherished and protected.
I forbid it!"
Then in the sweetest and kindest voice
Betrayal inquires:
"What would become of me if I do not have you?
Do you not know I love you?
Do you not know you are my heart's desire?
That I want to protect you?"
I run and cover my ears from Betrayal.
but he always finds me and repeats his words.
Wanting to be loved and cherished
I eventually uncover my ears and believe him.
Only to be reminded that I am dealing with Betrayal
and will never win.
Never to be loved.
Never to be protected.
Never to be cherished.
Never to be anyone's world.
Lost Thoughts
PoetryRamblings of my mind and heart in attempted poetry and writings