Experiment A

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The silver lid then revealed the dish.
It's your worst nightmare.
Insect blood soup.

Before you knew it, you were already at your station.

You smelled a nice aroma already.


The Rock only came for the pun. Oh well. Not like you care.

You're currently boiling the water. This meal is difficult, after all.

"You're making lamb? Without the sauce? LOOKS LIKE I FOUND ANOTHER IDIOT SANDWHICH!!!"

Luckily, that wasn't intended for you. Instead of staring, you looked back at what you did. Congrats, you only have boiled water.

There were random spices, but all mixed together. Who cares, right? You just poured all of the spice into the water while you turned off the fire. There was precisely 2 cups of the spice.

Then you saw the blood. Whoever likes this is gonna get salmonella one day, you thought. Whatever; you shrugged it off. You poured the eight cups of odd-colored blood. It's a subtle mix of orange and blue. It disgusted you to the core. Oh well.

A crash noise was made. You looked at it, seeing John Cena. You don't care.

Then you looked back at your soup. It looks lacking in something. Maybe that weird thing they do in movies where they add their own blood? Life is odd.

Or maybe you forgot to stir. Yeah, sounds pretty reasonable.

You grabbed your stirrer thingamajig or whatever and stirred your soup.

It looks weird now. Like a rusty red. Oh well.

Then now you have to present it. If it's horrible, you couldn't really care less anyways.

I Found the Lamb Sauce (Gordon Ramsay x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now