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Gordon didn't lead you to a room, but more hallway. This house, if that's what you can call it anymore, is annoying the living hell out of you.

"Uh.." you started.

"What? Want lamb sauce?" Gordon asked.

"Oh. Nothing." you replied.

"Well, good. I lost my lamb sauce anyways."

You froze in your tracks. After a few awkward seconds, you quickly rummaged through the sweatshirt Jacob Sartorius gave you. Then you found it. The lamb sauce.

"Uh, I think I found it." you hesitantly said.

"Okay thanks. You're my bae now." Gordon said.

Isn't he much older though? He'll die off really soon, but you kept this to yourself.

"Uh, okay."

From that day forward was your relationship with Gordon. Sure, you didn't love him like those teen movies, but at least you have someone.

The end

I Found the Lamb Sauce (Gordon Ramsay x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now