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I felt my skin burning off, and screams were coming from everywhere. My mind was racing, as I tried to hold back my own yells of despair. The fire around me was intense, hot and blood red.

My body healed within a split of a second, and the skin started to burn down again, making the fire reach my muscles and organs. Tears were falling from my eyes, as my throat dried out and my fists clenched. I wasn't permitted to sit or lie down. I had to stand, even though my legs were weak and giving up. 

But then, the flames died out. The pain vanished and I heard no screaming. Everything around me went black, turned into nothingness. I inhaled sharply, and let my lungs and body relax, as I collapsed onto the ground.

Was I finally free? Could I finally go to heaven? Did I show that I was regretting everything?

My mind all of a sudden set out. And only two things were on my mind:

Hunger and angst.

I banged against the wood in front of me, screaming in agony. My knuckles cracked several times, and my yells grew louder and deeper. Finally, dirt was pouring into my grave, and I was able to dig my way up into liberty. It was pitch black, but I wasn't alone, I have never been along since the day I died. 

Authors note:

Hello everybody!
Since I'm not planning on putting an authors note before every or every other chapter, this will be a rather long one, but I would ask you to read it, before continuing with this story.

My name is Jay, I'm 20years old and this is my continuation of "In The Flesh".
I'm a big fan of the show, and was devasted when I learned it wouldn't be cotinued. I have been thinking for a year now to write this story, and finally I have been able to make some time and write a few chapters. 
English isn't my first language, so I excuse any mistakes and typos. 
This story is loosely based off the plot. Yes, most things happen according to the original show, but since I'm working in a few new characters, I needed to change some things. 
This story however will keep the important points of the story, so please don't eat yourself up over a few minor changes. As far as I can, I'm keeping this true to the original story. 

If this story sparked your interest though, and you have not watched In The Flesh, I can't really tell if it is necassary to watch the show first. I would really recommend it however, since the show is really interesting for one, and supporting the show might help to get a new season, or at least a movie length episode to get some closure.
My story starts at the end of the second season. I would say roughly the fourth episode. The time distribution is a bit different from the original plot, so please don't get confused from time to time. 
I'm very happy to reply to questions in the comment section, as much as I can. If I see many people asking the same questions, I'm going to put up something like a tumblr blog or something like that, to answer the questions more thoroughly, if I feel it is needed. If not, I don't mind answering questions several times, so please feel free to ask, whether it is in the comment section, inbox or message board. 

From earlier experience with fanfictions, I want to stress that this isn't the typical Fanfiction, most people might look for. I would still be really grateful for you to check it out.
In case you have any ideas or input, I'm very glad to hear them. I have pre-written a few chapters already, but if I see something that sparks my interest, I'm either going to put it into a chapter, or work it into the new chapter's I'm writing. 

I'm trying to make rather long chapters, since I hate short chapters myself. If you think they might be too long, please do tell me, I will be very happy to split them up, maybe put less things into one chapter, but rather work on one problem in one chapter. 

I also want to stress, that since English isn't my first language, a few parts may seem a bit bumpy and not too smooth, I want to excuse myself for that. I know those party very well, but with my limited abbilities, I don't know how else to write it. So if you might have an idea or two, tell me right away. You will also notice the slightest progress of my writing style, as do I myself. Bear in mind, I started writing this story roughly a year ago, and only a few weeks ago decided to continue writing it. 

Thank you for reading this word vomit of mine, and without any further interruption, enjoy the story.

Jay xx

The day we rose from our graves - In The Flesh SpinoffWhere stories live. Discover now