Chapter 5

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"AMY! AMY GET IN HERE!" I yelled, as I walked around frantically.
Amy rushed in, looking frightened at me. I jumped at her and hugged her, rocking us from side to side.
"As much as I love the enthusiasm, what's happening?" She asked, laughing.
"I got accepted!" I screamed out in joy.
"NO WAY!" She yelled back, surprisingly happy. 
I nodded and started jumping up and down.
"Oh I'm so happy for you!" She cheered, hugging me again. 
"I can't believe it, they told me that it was due to a recommendation, no idea who it came from, but I better thank that person" I laughed, making Amy gasp.
"Do you have a secret admirer" She smirked at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"I doubt it, maybe it was one of my old teachers or something" I laughed. She winked at me.
"You have to tell Simon about it! Oh I bet he is going to be happy for you as well!" She said suddenly.
"I doubt Simon will be happy but I'm surely going to tell him" I smiled at her.
"Oh don't be so sure, he wants the best for us, and it obviously is the best for you" She smiled, taking my hand and walking into his room.

"Simon, Sam here has some news!" Amy smiled brightly, looking at me. I shook my head and laughed.
"Well, do tell me what has happened to make you so happy, Sam" Simon smiled at me. 
"It's nothing big, I just got the job I applied for at the school nearby" I explained smiling. Amy turned her head to Simon, smiling, yet looking sternly.
"Well... Amy would you mind?" He asked her. She nodded and walked out, closing the door.
"Listen I know you don't like the idea, but i really want to do what I was learning to do. Even if it's not completely my job, it's quite somethig and I can earn some money" I said, before he could even say anything. He raised his eyebrows and nodded.
"Of course, I know that. I also know how happy it makes you. But do you really think it's a good idea? The people in Roarton are still a bit... How can I say this without sounding rude..." He wondered, making me look frustrated at him. "Uptight?" He concluded finally.
"Maybe their parents, but the students and most teens are totaly cool with it" I argued.

"Well, what do you think the school will do once they find out that the parents aren't too fond of the idea, that a PDS sufferer is teaching their children" he retorted.
"Well, maybe the parents should mind their own business. I'm lucid, I haven't missed my medication even for one day, and, most importantly, I never took any drugs. Neither as a human, nor as a PDS sufferer. I think they need to start looking at us as people again" I said, ready to leave.
"Why would you want to be like them, Sam? We are special, we have tricked death. Look at us, we are invincible. We are already dead, so why bother living like humans? We are the advanced species" he threw in, making me look confused at him. I didn't know what I felt, disgust was most prominant, but I didn't know how to tell him this without sounding like an outfall.
"Simon, we aren't an advanced species. We neither tricked death, we were just lucky to die in a certain year, nothing more nothing less. It's not like some kind of power killed us and then decided to resurrect us" I glanced at him. He was looking a bit amused by this, leaving me to wonder what in heavens name he was thinking right now. I wouldn't know. He didn't tell anybody what he came to Roarton for, neither did Amy tell us why she would come back. She hated this place. 
"Sam, there are things you cannot and will not understand, you just have to wait and see what this life will bring us" he smiled lightly, putting a hand on my shoulder. I furrowed my brows and looked at his hand. His presence somehow suddenly made me uncomfortable. 
"Yeah I guess I will. Anyway... I'm heading out I have to buy a few clothes" I said, shaking his hand off and walking away. 
I tried to ignore his weird act and walked into the living room. Putting away my clothes and belongings into the suitcase, I grabbed my bag and walked out. I waited for the train to arrive to drive to the nerby city, since Roarton was maybe a lovely village, but we had no shops for clothing or the like. 
My mind was wandering off, as I walked down the streets of the city, thinking about life and whatnot. 
It has been weird. I had nobody that was closer to me than Alex right now. Not my mom, not Amy and not even Simon anymore. My doubt about Simon's appearence made me feel weird. He had no connection to Roarton, whatsoever. He just appeared out of nowhere, trying to get close to Kieren, whom I adored, but was nothing special, in my eyes at least. 
It was weird. Sometimes when Simon looked at him, it was as if he was trying to read him like a book. He wanted to know everything, but Kieren only gave so much away. 
Looking at various blouses in all colour of the rainbow, I sighed. 
Thinking about the ammount of cover up mouse, the dirty shirts all over the sleeves. Shaking my head I walked up to the dressing room and started trying on the shirts. I bought more darker colours, since I didn't want weird beige streaks all over white shirts, so I decided for black, blue, brown and the like, which in retrospective, was a stupid idea. 
After paying for it, getting a new pair of shoes and some skirts and pants, I was making my way back. But somehow, I felt unsafe at Simon's place, so I decided to hit Alex up and ask him if I could still stay at his. 
After a few moments he picked up.
"Wassup my boy?" I asked, gaining the attention of a few other passengers on the train. 
"What" Alex asked, laughing loudly.
"Nevermind" I replied embarrassed. "Anyway, I was wondering, could I still stay at yours? For like a night or two?" I asked, hoping for him to accept.
"But where would you sleep? We have no guest room" he replied, in fake sadness. 
"What a bummer, dang it! Guess I will not be coming over then" I replied, in the same tone, laughing quietly.
"Sure, come over, you know exactly that the door is always open for you" He said, in a manner as if it was obvious.
"Thanks a lot, I'm going to be there in like an hour or two" I replied.
"YAY SLEEP OVER!" he yelled. I started laughing and shook my head.
"You are unbelievable" I said, as I heard his door open loudly and his mother calling someting like 'You're well over twenty for the love of god' before slamming the door shut again, making me laugh again.
"Sorry about that" he laughed uncomfortable. 
"It's alright, see you" I said, before dropping the line. Sighing, I got out of the train with the thousand bags I had. They resulted in me being slower than usual. 
As I arrived at the door, I heard somebody coughing behind me. Turning around I saw Blake standing behind me. 
My face turned into a mixture of smiling and confusion.
"Hey" I said, after dropping my bags.
"Hi" he replied, weirdly nervous. 
"Uh... can I help you somehow?" I asked, running a hand through my hair, pushing them out of my face. He looked really torn, as if he wasn't sure what he could and should reply. I cocked my head to one side, looking confused at him. 
"Yeah... kind of... well not really" he started, rubbing his face with one hand. I raised an eyebrow, but kept my confused face. 
"It's just that... I was wondering if... I mean only if you can or something and... I don't know how to say this really" he started, his voice soft and so nice.
"Yeah?" I asked, smiling this time. For some reason, I got a weird feeling in my stomach, as if knots and tied and loosened, making me feel the smallest bit nauseaous. 
"Uh... nevermind forget it" he said suddenly, looking up at me, his face cold and emotionless again. My smile dropped and I looked at him, as if he had just killed a pet.
"What the fuck" was all I said, before picking up the bags again and walking inside the house. I hated him for this. One second he is comepletely adorable and cute, the next he is acting like the most stupid douchebag on this planet. 
I got my suitcase and put it next to the door, while putting the bags on the handle, so I wouldn't have to hold them in my hand all the time. I grabbed my stuff from the bathroom and put them into my bag. Knocking softly on Amy's door, I waited for her to let me in.
After a few moments of her rummaging through her stuff, she opened the door out of breath. 
"Are you okay?" I asked, smiling at her.
"Yeah, just you know... cleaned up a bit of my stuff" She replied, opening the door. 
I walked in and sat down on her bed, as she looked at me very nervously.
"Listen, I'm going to a friends place for a few days, because I don't want to be a burden to you guys for so long, and I think I need a bit of my own space for a few days" I said, smiling at her.
"Oh okay, I'm so sorry, was it something we did?" She asked concerned. 
"No, not at all! I really love you guys, but I just want to have my own room maybe with a bit of personal space" I said, hugging her.
"Alright, I'm going to miss having you as my roommate" She said, hugging me as well. 
We let go a few moments later, and I got to the door, picking up my stuff and making my way towards Alex. 
It took me roughly an hour instead of twenty minutes to get to his place, since the bag was getting into my way often. As I arrived at the door, I rang the doorbell, and his mother opened the door.
"Samantha!" His mother said happily, hugging me tightly. "Alex already said you're going to stay a few nights, I'm so happy to have you" She said. 
"Thank you so much, Miss Smith" I said, smiling.
"You know that it's Mary!" She said, giving me a stern look. I laughed and looked down.
"I'm sorry Mary, it's just an old habit" I replied awkwardly.
"Oh nevermind, I'm going to have Alex take your stuff upstairs, so you can get settled in whilst we are eating" She smiled, letting me in. 

Alex' mother was awesome. She never said that I was unworthy or something less than other human beings, still she aknowledged my needs and whatnot. Whenever they ate, she would tell me to do something else or ask me if I wanted to do something. She never asked me to eat with them, which I appreciated. It would be awkward, me sitting there, not eating and the others stuffing their faces. 
I walked up while Alex followed me with my suitcase, before putting them into the guestroom.
"Thank you so much" I said, hugging him. 
"It's nothing really, well I'm gonna go and eat dinner" He smiled, walking out and closing the door.
His mother always dreamed of having a daughter, which is probably the reason she always wanted me to get over. For the guestroom she even asked me how I would decorate it and what furniture I would put in, so it was like my second room. 
After putting all my clothes into the wardrobe, I started putting out all my makeup and jewlery on. I then got out my phone and started scrolling through my facebook and instagram newsfeed. A few minutes later. Alex walked into the room and lied down next to me on the bed. 
I smiled and leaned my head on his chest.
"What made you come here?" He asked me. I shrugged.
"Needed some distance. Also your home is a bit closer to my new workplace" I replied smirking. Suddenly he jumped up and made me sit up as well. 
"YOU GOT THE JOB?" He asked, shaking me slightly, which resulted in my laughing.
"Hell yeah I did" I laughed, making him gasp and hug me tightly. 
"Congratulations!" He yelled, as I continued laughing. "We have to celebrate that!" he exclaimed. 
"On friday, I'm starting tomorrow, and I want to be somewhat ready" I laughed, as he let go.
"Deal!" He smiled at me, as we were only a few inches away from each other. My laughter died out slowly, and I looked into his eyes. 
His eyes wandered from my eyes to my lips a few times, as he was pushing a strand of hair out my face. 
I coughed and looked down, tearing away from his gaze. 
"Thanks a lot Alex" I smiled, kissing his cheek. 
He blushed a deep colour of red, before nodding and mumbling a no problem. I sighed and lied back down on the bed, looking up at he ceiling.
"I miss being human" I mumbled, more to myself, than to Alex.
"Why would you miss being vulnurable?" He asked confused, lying down as well.
I let out a small laugh, before rolling to my side to face him.
"I'm not some kind of supergirl, that can't feel any pain and can live forever in this world. Someday, all my friends are going to die, and if I actually am undead, then I will see you all dying, and live a life of my own. All alone. And just because I can't get physical pain, doesn't mean my emotions don't work anymore. In fact, I have a feeling that my emotions got intensified ever since. And also, I would give everything, just to feel touch again. When you touch me, I can't feel it. I just feel a weight on my arm or shoulder. But there is no warmth, I don't get intrigued. It's like somebody putting a weight on your shoulder. I don't even know if I will ever feel special anymore, if I can't get that feeling of somebody touching me" I smiled sadly at him. 
"But you do feel pain" He argued, making me nod and sigh.
"Sure do, but not as intense as I did before. When Jeremy punched me, it hurt of course, but more in an emotional way. When his fist punched my jaw, it felt like... as if somebody got out a teeth of mine under anesthetics. It was more like a really hard and tough pressure. And when you pinched me, yes it hurt, but it was as if somebody dragged a needle lightly over my arm" I replied.
"Well, but you do feel something. And in the beginning you didn't feel at all. Now you feel at least a bit. Maybe you get your human side back with the... uh... How is it called again?" he asked, deep in thoughts.
"Neurotriptyline?" I asked, laughing.
"Yes, exactly! It is rebuilding brain cells right? But it has only been watched under short term conditions, maybe it doesn't only rebuilds brain cells, but also your nerv system, you never know!" He exclaimed, making me smile brightly.
"I doubt that they would keep that information from us, after all we have all taken it for the same time, give or take, look at Simon for example, he has been taking it longer than most of us, and doesn't seem to experience anything" I replied, still smiling. 
"But you don't know if some people are more sensitive to it, or maybe you are more open to it and you're willing to let it happen" he tried convincing me.
"So basically you're saying that it's just in my head?" I replied jokingly.
He pushed my shoulder also laughing. I shook my head and lied on my back again.
"I'm gonna leave you to get some rest now, sleep well" he said, kissing my temple. 
I smiled and wished him a good night as well. 
Putting on my pajamas, I lied down and put the covers over me, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep rather quickly.

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