Evil!Deku x childhood friend!Reader || caught up in the innocence

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Information:Izuku is now the ruler of the 'new world' which is over run with villainy, and you just happen to be quirkless

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Izuku is now the ruler of the 'new world'
 which is over run 
with villainy,

and you just happen to
 be quirkless..

Izuku became the ruler when
 he killed Almight
 after all the power went to his head 
causing his personality to change 

Some fought against him like Bakugou,
 Shoto and Kirishima
 but it was no use,
 all were struck down; 
most 'heroes' hide like cowards.

You wish you could do something..
But you can't your just

-3rd Person P.O.V-

The colour stained the pure snow 
that was settled on
 the ground,
 creating a winter wonderland.
But that was now

Your throat felt constricted as 
you watch the scene 
play out,
you covered your mouth in attempt
 to muffle your sobs;
just in case the murder was
 still there.
The colour leaked out their chest a hole 
where their heart should be,
you knew who this person was.
It was another hero,
one of the few who refused to give into up 
the evil in this world.

A loud crunch noise came
 from behind you,
you froze in place when you felt someone's
 breath on your neck;
their arms circling your waist
stopping you from even attempting to 
run away from them.

"Isn't it just beautiful?~"
The person said tauntingly in a thick velvet voice as
 you continued to stare.
It was all you could see.

"I think this is one of my best ones yet-
you know what my favourite moment is,
sweet heart?"
His voice was full pride,
I clenched my fists in disgust .

'How can someone be proud of this?'
You where too busy thinking about the way he said it,
and didn't reply to him.
Big mistake.

He began to apply 
pressure to his grasp on you cause an immence
amount of pain.

"Well sweetheart?"
He chuckled sadistically.

"N-No I don't know.."
You choked out scared of what he was going
 to do to you.

"My favourite moment
 is when they begin to beg for their lives or 
maybe its when I watch all the life in their eye drain away."
He sound like a kid in a candy store trying to pick
his favourite sweet.

"What's your quirk then,
sweet heart?~"
He purred leaning
in so far you could feel his warm lips brush against
your (skin colour) skin.

You started to shake in fear,
 you didn't want to end like this,
you want to travel the world  see it all or 
at least find love..

"I'm quirkless.."
You whispered in reply.

"Oh wow!
You know I used to have a friend she was also quirkless
then one day she just disappeared"
Resting his head upon
Your shoulder catching site of his messy green hair,
 immediately reminding you of 
the little sweet boy
you used to play
when you were little.

The boys name slipped out
 your mouth.
Suddenly you were spun around and
 met with dark green
that haunted me every night.

The man yelled in anger.

You cried and ran into his arms.
How could such a sweet boy turn
 into such a monster.

He stumbled back a bit in surprise; 
regaining his balance he just stood their watching
you confused to as why you crying
 into his chest.

Feeling his gaze 
you look at him with your teary (eye colour)
your hands slow reached up
 to touch his face;
your small hands cupped his face creasing
 his smooth cheeks with 
your thumbs.

"What happened to you?"
You whispered;
your throat a bit sour
from crying.

He whispered out in disbelief.

"What happened to the sweet boy
 I once knew?"
You enquired tears still running
 down your face.

"What do you mean (name) it's still me,
I'm still your Izuku"
He said cuddling into my hands that were
 still cupping his cheeks.

"But your not..
The little boy I knew would never do this..
Your a monster."
You seethed pulling your hands from him and
stumbled back away from him.

Anger filled 
him when you called him
 a monster.

"Take. It. Back"
He spat grabbing by the wrist pulling 
you into him.

He screamed as you struggled against
 his tightening grip.
You started to cry out in pain as his grip
 became unbearably tight.


You felt every bone in your arm shatter in an instant.
He let go of your arm,
as you dropped to the floor in pain;
 more salty tear ran down your cheeks like a marathon.
You cradled your limp and
 mangled arm trying to sooth the pain
 to no avail.

A dark chuckle
 was admitted into the crisp air,
every hair stood on end when felt his big hand
 slowly wrapped around your neck
 lifting you up high the air.

He watch as you struggled breath 
and fight for your life with every last of energy but 
nothing was going to stop him after all..
You are quirkless..

You felt your life slowly fading away; 
you eyelids start become very heavy and 
your heart beat slowed.
Izuku continued to stare as your life force
 slowly drained away,
and for some reason he wasn't 
enjoying it as usual.
In fact,
he hated the way you looked
 now so lifeless and

Dropping you to the floor,
you laid there..
A demonic laughed left his lips as
he continued to
stare down at you.
Soon tears started to
fall as well.

"Maybe you were right,
I am a monster."


Sorry this kinda came out darker than expected but I still hope you enjoyed it!
Anyways I just wanted to inform you of my other one-shot of Bakugou so if want to check that too that be super amazing!

thank you!

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