Trainer!Kirishima X Reader || Gym Bros

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you've been going to the same gym
for the past year,
U.A gym.
the whole time you have been there
you've had one trainer,

he's amazing and sweet,
and you've grown to really like him.

but there's one problem,
he's complete oblivious of your feelings.

-3rd Person P.O.V-

"Hey Occhako!"
you smiled over to the girl behind the front desk
in the main lobby of the gym.

"Hey (Reader)!
Kirishima is in the back by the weights"
She smiled
already knowing what you were going to ask.

"Thank you!"
and with that you made you way to
the back of the gym.

as you got closer you saw Kirishima talking to
one of the other Trainers,

inching closer they still hadn't seen you and
at this point you
could hear them talking...
about you.

"Bro don't you have the really cute girl now?"
Kaminari asked almost dreamily.

"you mean (Reader)?"

"Yeah she's so hot,
what i would give to train a girl like her,
dude you're so lucky!
why haven't you made a move on her already?!"
Kaminari exclaimed
shaking Kirishima by the shoulders.

"Bro don't you think i know that!
plus she'd never like me back,
she only sees me
as a friend"
you could hear the frustration
in his voice.

you couldn't believe that
he never noticed your liking of him.
however it made you smile
a little
at how oblivious he is.
you found it cute.

"you're tragic bro"
Kaminari tease.

"yeah whatever"
he grinned back his friend.

finally working up courage
you call over to them both.

"Kirishima, Kaminari hey!"
you hollered with a hop in your step
making your way over to them.

"sup little bro"
Kirishima waved you over
and when you reach them his large hand came down
and landed on top of your head
where he proceed to rub and mess up your hair.

"Kiriii you messed up my hair!"
you pouted at him making him laugh.

"don't worry (Reader)
i think your cute no matter what"
Kaminari piped in making you laugh
and give him back a playful wink.

"Thanks Kaminari!
so are you ready for our workout?"
you asked
turning back to Kirishima.

"Sure so where are we starting
with some weights,
is that alright with you?"
he asked already picking out the weights
 you were going to using.

"uh yeah sure b-but
 aren't they a lot bigger than the ones
 we usually use??"

"AH yeah i just thought we could use
these to see you progress,
 and you don't need
 to worry these are ones i use to train!"
he looked over to you
 and gave you a little wink and smile.

and as cute as that was,
 you couldn't help but gulp nervously as
 the weights that he pulled out
 probably as heavy as you weighed.

"Alright (Reader)!
try and pick up this pair of weights!"

"alright but if
i throw my back out I'm suing you"
you heard him laugh and
 god it was like music to your ears.

you set your feet shoulder length apart
 and bent down
 to pick up the weights
but they just wouldn't budge.
you even tried to pick up one with both hands
and it still wouldn't move
 no matter how hard you pulled.  

you heard him laugh from behind you.

"its not funny Kiri,
they probably weigh more than me"
you pouted and
gave him a light smack on the arm.

"these are the light ones (Reader)"
he laughed as
 he picked them up with ease and
put them back in
 their respective spots on the rack.

you crossed
your arms over your chest
and huffed.

"awe come on (reader)
it was just a bit of fun"

but you continued to pout
and turn the other way.

that is until
 two strong arms wrapped them selves
 around your waist
 and swept you off your feet.

"stop. being. mad"
he laughs spinning you around.

"okay okay stop before i throw up"
you laughed.

"you gonna stop being mad at me?"
he tease still holding you.

"YES! now put me down you adorable loser"
you said still laughing but
suddenly stop and
 blush realising what you said.

he slowly puts you down and
 removes his arms,
you turn to see that his face is almost
as red as his hair.

"kiri I-I-"

"(Reader) will you go on a date with me?"
kirishima blurted
 taking us both by surprise.

"i mean im not forcing you or
any thing like you don't have to
 cause that's not manly at all-"
kirishima started
 to nervously ramble.

"i thought you would never ask"
you quickly cut off
his rambling.

"so is that a yes?"

"yes kiri it is indeed a yes"

{Authors note}
hi everyone i hoped liked it!!
wow its been a while since i last updated
so i thought i would give you
a little treat!

-Extra scene-

"Bakubro i finally did it! i asked (reader) out!
you should have seen me i was so manly!"
kirishima fist bumped the air
almost teary eyed.

"i saw the whole thing and
 you were a blubbering mess from start to finish"

"manly right?!"

"whatever weird hair"

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