Shoto x Male!Reader || Beautiful

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Information:You are a new student to UA,you had to move because of your dads job so you enrolled in UA

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You are a new student to UA,
you had to move because of your dads job
so you enrolled in UA.

Your quirk is
weather manipulation,
basically you can control every
aspect of the weather.
But sometimes your emotions
get in the way,
so if you were sad it would rain,
if you were happy it would be sunny
and etc.

You are a sweet boy and
for the most part are
very calm,
what happens when you lose control
when you meet Shoto?

P.S. this will be super gay..

~3rd Person P.O.V~

You stared at the door
waiting for your teacher to give a signal
to enter.

"(Male Name),
you can come in now.."
You slowly roll the door open
at your teachers
raspy voice.

"Hello my name is
(Full Name),
Please take care of me!"
You bow and
straighten back giving them a sweet smile
causing the female and a couple of male students
to squeal over your cuteness.

"Alright that's
enough of that,
go sit down somewhere"
The messy teacher waved you off,
not really caring.

Ruffling your (Hair Colour) hair,
you walk down to the only empty seat.
Which happen to be next to the most beautiful human being
you have ever seen.
Everything about him screamed
from the way his bi-coloured hair
rests on his forehead
to the deepness of his icy eyes.

You couldn't help but stare,
there's no way you couldn't, everything about him
was drawing you in.
But he caught your stare causing
to rise to your cheeks,
and butterflies to erupt in
your stomach.

This caused you lose slight control
over your quirk
as the temperature started to rise and
the room became
every humid.

You feel the change in temperature,
and realise that you had
lost control.
So you try and regulate the heat
and humidity.

~Shoto's P.O.V~

I could feel his intense gaze
burning into me.
Is there something on
my face?

I turn to face the (eye colour) eyed male,
catching him off guard.
I watched as embarrassment rises in him as well as
the temperature.

'Maybe he has a fire or
heating quirk?'
I thought to myself
intrigued with the flustered boy
beside me.
And to be honest I couldn't help
but creak a smile
at him trying to came himself down.

His gaze flutters up to meet mine,
slightly biting his lips.
This simple action,
this tiny little insignificant action
you made all hell break lose
in my mind.

'Is he doing it on purpose?
Is he trying to make me go crazy?'
I subconsciously lick my lips thinking about
his plump pink ones.

I break out of my daze when the bell goes off,
signaling brake.

~a month later~
~third person P.O.V~

You had talked to everyone and
made friends with everyone in your class,
even Bakugou seemed okay with
you presence.
Everyone except Shoto.

This pissed Shoto off.
A lot.
Was he really that scaring?
Did he do something to
offend you in anyway to make you not want
to talk to him?
It's not like you were shy or anything,
cause somehow now your even friends
with Bakugou.

Well what ever it was;
He was determined to find out and
nothing was going to get in his

~Your P.O.V~

You waved go bye to your friends,
needing the bathroom.
Walking alone
down the long corridors you are suddenly
pulled its a janitors closet and
pushed up against
a wall.

You go to scream
until a cold hand clasps over
your mouth.

"ssh it's just me;
calm down."
Your (eye colour) ones locks with two icy ones;
instantly you calm against him.
Seeing you calm down he removes
his hand.

I breath a sigh of relief.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"
He asks bluntly,
causing you to gulp at his forwardness
still unable to look away.

"What are you say I haven't been avoiding you.."
You squirm a little under his gaze.

"Tell me the true."
You felt compelled
by his demanding voice.

"W-Well your just s-so beautiful
that whenever I'm too close too you
or I think about you too much
I-I just lose control..
But I just can't seem to stop wanting to be near you
so I had to force myself away
from you.."
You gushed nervously.

You hadn't realised you had
looked down in shame whilst
So you look up slowly;
metal preparing yourself for his reaction.
Your eyes meet his bewildered

"I'm not beautiful"
He whispers in shame covering his scared eye,
sadness filling the over.

tell me would you throw a book away
if it had a few scratches on it?
you wouldn't because
the cover isn't what matters,
the story does and
from what I've read so far Todoroki;
I can tell your going to be
my favourite book and
I would love to read
Passion fills you,
during your 'speech' you had
softly grabbed his wrist
pulling his had way from his face and
pushed his palm against
your glowing cheek.

You watched as his saddened gaze
filled with hope and

"Thank you"
He whispered leaning in so close
that you could feel his warm breath against on
your lips.

you lean as well
connecting us in an utter moment of
pure bliss.
He pulled away leaning his forehead against yours,
his eyes staring into yours lovingly.

"Please don't leave me"
He begged.

"How can leave when
I've only just finished the
first chapter"

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